You can expect to be working with your Occupational Therapist (OT) for the next few years as your child develops and their long term needs become clearer. At this stage you may not know how your child will develop and whether any special considerations may need to be given in relation to their housing needs. Together with the help and advice of your child's OT, who is experienced in such matters, you may wish to start thinking about the options for your home in the future.
The information on this page is designed to help you start thinking about ideas now, so that you can start planning for the long-term future in your home.
It may be that your current home is not going to be suitable for your child's long term needs even with adaptation. This is something you need to think about as it may need to be considered before the situation becomes critical. Your child's OT will be able to discuss this with you in relation to your child's future predicted needs.
Your occupational therapist will be happy to discuss with you the options that might be possible in your home, both now and in the future. They can also advise you on what you need to look for if you decide to move house.