Council tenant and leaseholders factsheets
Annual Report to Tenants and Leaseholders 2022-23 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
TSM STAR full report 2023 by ARP research (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
Aids and adaptations to your council property (PDF) [234KB] (opens new window)
Gas Safety 2020 (PDF) [132KB] (opens new window)
Applying for an exchange (PDF) [69KB] (opens new window)
Domestic abuse (PDF) [79KB] (opens new window)
Do we have your correct contact details (PDF) [59KB] (opens new window)
Help council tenants rent arrears (PDF) [86KB] (opens new window)
Wiltshire Council Housing Leaseholders Handbook
Lodging and subletting (PDF) [68KB] (opens new window)
A tenant's guide - The Right to Buy
Security and safety in the home (PDF) [106KB] (opens new window)
Your rent statement explained (PDF) [324KB] (opens new window)
Advice following the death of a tenant (PDF) [77KB] (opens new window)
Letting standard (PDF) [69KB] (opens new window)
Text and email rent balance service
Annual gas servicing (PDF) [61KB] (opens new window)