Empty homes
In Wiltshire there are under 4000 homes that have been empty for more than six months. While that may sound relatively high, the figure represents less than 2% of all residential dwellings in Wiltshire and many of those homes will be empty for reasons such as being subject to probate, undergoing refurbishment, owner currently in hospital/care home, or the owner simply does not wish to sell the property. However, if you have concerns over the impact an empty property is having in your neighbourhood please refer to the relevant webpages for further details of the council's responsibilities.
- Pest control
- Untidy land (planning enforcement)
- Conservation areas and historic environment
- Control of dangerous structures
- Parking and Transport
- Economic development
Empty homes and council tax
With effect from 1 October 2016, a property that has been empty for two years or more on 1 October 2016 will be subject to an additional 50% levy on top of their normal council tax liability. From October 2016 the levy will be charged on the second anniversary of the property becoming empty. For enquiries relating to VAT and empty homes please email Council Tax.
For further information please view the council tax Discounts and exemptions page.
Contact us
Council Tax and Empty Homes
Email: counciltax@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window)