Leaving hospital
If you are in hospital and worried about your housing situation when you leave, ask hospital staff to refer you to the hospital discharge team as soon as possible.
The hospital discharge team work with organisations including the council to put support in place for patients returning to the community. This will be tailored to your individual needs and help to you maintain your independence.
If you are homeless or facing homelessness the discharge team will refer you to Housing Solutions for advice and help.
There are different types of local housing available which includes housing for older people, veterans, people with mobility and other health needs, and supported housing.
Help in the home, equipment and adaptations
Help and equipment
If you are being discharged from hospital, staff at the hospital will assess your needs and organise any equipment needed at home to enable you to manage. The same hospital staff will ensure that social services arranges a discharge assessment.
Discharge services can include:
- the organisation of extra help, such as visits from a district nurse or paid home help
- small home adaptations such as grab rails in the bathroom and at doorways in the home
For more information about help and equipment visit Your care, your support Wiltshire (opens new window).
It's not always necessary to move even if you need adaptations to your home as grants may be available. If you do need to move and have a social or affordable tenancy, it may be possible to transfer. Ask your landlord for advice. If you are living in unsuitable private rented or mortgaged accommodation check whether you could qualify for Homes4Wiltshire (opens new window).
Mental health aftercare
You have a right to free mental health aftercare (opens new window) if you have been:
- compulsorily detained in hospital under section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983
- sentenced by a criminal court to detention in a psychiatric hospital
- transferred to psychiatric hospital from prison
This could include specialist accommodation, ongoing support and the use of facilities such as day centres.