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Housing mental health support

Support with settled housing to provide a stable base for physical and mental wellbeing.

Homelessness or facing homelessness

Coming out of hospital

Supporting someone with mental health needs


Support agencies


If you are homeless or facing homelessness, contact Housing Options for advice. Calls are treated in confidence by trained advisers. Contact them using their contact details, or if you prefer and have a support worker, you can ask them to refer you to us using our Homeless duty to refer form.

We will ask about your situation, the type of housing required and any support needs. If you have a support worker we may ask to contact them. This is to help us identify the best options for you. For details of how we work with people facing homelessness see homelessness.

There are different types of housing available locally. These include housing for older people, veterans, people with mobility and other health needs, and supported housing. Visit Looking for a home.

Coming out of hospital

If you are in hospital and worried about your housing when you leave, ask hospital staff to refer you to the hospital discharge team. Do this as soon as possible as it can take time to find somewhere to live. Discharge teams work with organisations such as the council to put support in place for patients returning to the community. This is tailored to your needs and supporting your independence.

Mental health aftercare

You have a right to free mental health aftercare if you have been:

  • compulsorily detained in hospital under section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983
  • sentenced by a criminal court to detention in a psychiatric hospital
  • transferred to psychiatric hospital from prison

This can include specialist accommodation, ongoing support and use of facilities such as day centres. Find out more at NHS aftercare (opens new window).

Supporting someone with mental health needs

Most public authorities are required to identify and refer service users who may be threatened with homelessness to the local housing authority of their choice. This includes prisons, social service authorities (adult and children's), emergency departments, urgent treatment centres and hospitals in their function of providing inpatient care. For a full list and more information see duty to refer (opens new window).

You can refer up to 8 weeks in advance and should do so where possible. The service user must consent to this. However, if they do not consent and there are safeguarding concerns, you can still make a referral. Please use our Homeless duty to refer form. We will look at the person's needs, advise on their options and how they might best secure accommodation.


The NHS has lots of information about mental health issues. This covers different conditions, IAPT services, medicines and treatments, support for children and young people, self-help and finding help in a crisis. Visit NHS: Mental health (opens new window).

24/7 Mental health helpline - call 0800 953 1919

This is for anyone who is worried about their own or someone else's mental health, and for children. Set-up by Avon and Wiltshire Partnership, see 24-hour-support (opens new window) for more details.

Support agencies


Mind (opens new window) offers information and advice on legal issues. The local group Wiltshire Mind (opens new window) provides "a friendly, safe place where anyone can find support and friendship".


Rethink Mental Illness (opens new window) offers advice and information. It runs a carer support group and a supported housing project in Salisbury.

Richmond Fellowship

Richmond Fellowship (opens new window) supports people with mental health issues at risk of homelessness to maintain their tenancy. They also support isolated people in the community and with finding work.


Samaritans (opens new window) are a national organisation offering a free 24/7 helpline to talk over worries, concerns and troubles; call 116 123.

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