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New houses

A list of pages related to new houses in Wiltshire.

New housing developments

Delivery of affordable housing and recent new housing developments.

Funding for new affordable homes

Local Authorities are able to use Right to Buy (RTB) receipts and Commuted Sums to help fund new affordable housing.

New housing - our policies and strategies

Polices and strategies for new housing in Wiltshire.

Local housing needs

Wiltshire aims to ensure that there is an adequate supply of good quality housing of all types, and of all tenures, to cater for the needs of people in Wiltshire.

How to access housing

The various types of housing you may wish to apply for in Wiltshire.

Housing - our partners

The Wiltshire Housing Development Partnership is a partnership between Wiltshire Council and affordable housing providers such as Registered Providers.

Housing associations in Wiltshire

Registered Providers with housing in Wiltshire or that work in partnership with Wiltshire Council in the delivery of affordable housing.

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