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Paint reuse scheme

Our community paint reuse scheme aims to give people and community groups an opportunity to collect free water-based paint which would have normally gone to waste, giving people the opportunity to make savings in the process.

If you have leftover paint

If you have any leftover water-based paint that is in usable condition and the tin is over half full, you should bring it to the recycling centres so it can be redistributed to the public or community groups.
Paint which is not usable, or paint in a tin which is under 50% full, cannot be used for this scheme. Tins of paint under half full or paint which is not usable should be hardened before being taken to any recycling centre for disposal. This can be done by removing the lid and drying the paint or by adding sawdust, sand, soil, or paint hardener to solidify it.

Collecting the leftover paint

The free water-based paint available for reuse is clearly marked in a separate yellow cabinet at the HRCs. Members of the site staff can direct you to the yellow cabinet if needed.

You are welcome to take away any water-based paint in the yellow cabinets for free. Before collecting, you will need to fill out a short disclaimer form which is in the cabinet.

Paint for community projects and charities

Charities and groups are welcome to take the water-based paint from the recycling centres to support community projects. This could include decorating community spaces, community art projects or carnivals, please speak to the site staff on arrival for more information.

Charities and community groups are not able to dispose of waste at Wiltshire's recycling centres, see VCSE Household Recycling Centre Permit for information.

Do not put paint in the general rubbish bin at home or at the HRCs

When paint is put in a bin it can cause considerable damage and mess to the containers and vehicles and so this should be avoided at all cost. Liquid wastes are also banned from landfill sites. It is only acceptable to put paint in a bin if it is completely dried up.

If the water-based paint is still liquid, reusable and the container is over half full, you can donate this for reuse.

Paint which is not usable, or paint in a tin which is under 50% full should be hardened before being taken to any household recycling centre. This can be done by removing the lid and drying the paint or by adding sawdust, pet litter, or soil to solidify the paint. You can also buy paint hardener from DIY stores to solidify it.

Paint should never be poured directly into a sink or down the drain or sewer.

Did you know?

According to research by the Royal Society Of Chemistry (opens new window) 50 million litres of paint goes to waste in the UK each year. That is enough to fill 20 Olympic sized swimming pools. In 2021 alone, in our Household Recycling Centres, 365 tonnes of paint was collected with more than 50% of it still in a usable condition.

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