Investing in Salisbury
Salisbury is a cathedral city of ageless beauty and captivating history. Traditionally English with an independent spirit, Salisbury is home to a wide range of quirky, independent shops offering products designed and crafted locally. Arts and culture, events and entertainment ensure visitors keep coming back to the city time and time again.
Over the next few years, you will see this modern medieval city go through a period of transition as several key projects start to be delivered. These initially include:
Salisbury River Park
On site with completion anticipated July 2024
A £43 million partnership project with the Environment Agency which aims to reduce flood risk for over 350 properties in the city, improve the environment for wildlife and residents with tree planting and habitat creation as well as encourage greener forms of transport like walking and cycling.
To find out more about the scheme visit (opens new window).
Fisherton Gateway
On site with completion anticipated late August 2024
This is the first of the schemes to come forward which are being supported by the significant investment in Salisbury city centre from the government's Future High Streets Fund. This £3.2 million scheme aims to enhance the public spaces and improve pedestrian areas making it easier, safer and more convenient to travel by foot along South Western Road and Fisherton Street into the city centre.
This includes widening pavements where we can, introducing new street lighting, enhancing landscaping, improving street furniture and wayfinding and introducing continuous footpaths at junctions to provide level crossings and give pedestrians priority.
To find out more about this scheme visit Future High Streets Fund Salisbury.
Salisbury Station Forecourt
Starting 10 June 2024 and it is anticipated that the improvements will take approximately one year to complete.
This is the other scheme supported by the significant investment from the government's Future High Streets Fund. The £5.8 million scheme comprises £5.3 million from the Future High Streets Fund and another £456,000 from South Western Railway's Customer and Communities Improvement Fund.
The redesign of the Salisbury Station Forecourt aims to enhance the public spaces and improve wayfinding to make it more attractive, welcoming and accessible for visitors and residents.
To find out more about this scheme please visit Future High Streets Fund Salisbury.
Fisherton Bridge
As part of its routine maintenance programme, the bridge deck will require waterproofing. The work will be dovetailed with the Fisherton Gateway works to minimise traffic disruption.
The works involve removing the existing footpath slabs and road surface exposing the deck of the bridge. The deck will then be prepared in readiness to receive a new spray applied waterproofing system. Following this the footpath slabs will be re-laid, and the road reinstated up to base level.
The works will be completed in two parts with a north and south phase. The north phase started on 8 April 2024 and completed on 5 June 2024. The south phase will take place from 6 June 2024 to 17 July 2024.
The final surfacing will be completed as part of the neighbouring Fisherton Gateway improvements.
Fisherton Street side roads
Some side roads to Fisherton Street will require resurfacing. It is anticipated that, subject to budget availability, this work will start after the Fisherton Gateway scheme has been completed to minimise traffic disruption.
With this initial level of investment into the city centre, there will be some disruption to road users, residents, businesses and visitors. As you can see more than one scheme will be on site at any one time. To help explain the traffic management arrangements that will be put in place, we have created a new webpage - Salisbury traffic management. This will be regularly updated to reflect the progress of the various schemes.
So, while Salisbury city centre may not always look its best it will ultimately be the modern medieval city of the future - where you can sense history and enjoy the here and now!

Frequently asked questions
Specific FAQs relating to the Fisherton Gateway project and the Salisbury Station Forecourt scheme can be found on the Salisbury Traffic Management page.