Arts Award
Wiltshire library service is now an Arts Award Supporter.
What Arts Award is
Arts Award (opens new window) is a nationally recognised qualification that aims to help young people aged seven to 25 to explore their creative skills, and develop as artists and arts leaders.
There are five different levels to achieve, four of which (Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold) are accredited qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Discover is an introductory level.
Taking part in Arts Award gives children and young people a chance to explore and engage with the Arts and cultural activity in a fun way, learn new skills, share achievements and gain nationally recognised accreditation. There is no requirement to be a skilled artist as the Award recognises individual development and encourages children to explore interests from any starting point.
Young people work towards their awards using Arts Award centres (opens new window) as a base, in addition to working independently.
Arts Award Supporter
An Arts Award Supporter is an organisation offering activities that young people can access to provide experiences of the Arts as part of their Award journey.
If you are already doing your Arts Award, all our libraries can be a resource for research with access to quality information about artists and arts professionals - as well as a large county collection of books we have online reference resources via our 24-hour library.
As an Arts Award Supporter we can also offer young people completing their Arts Award:
- a variety of activities and events to attend
- the chance to share favourite authors by attending a book group (Chippenham library)
- volunteering opportunities for 14+ with the Summer Reading Challenge
- space to display artwork in some larger libraries (subject to availability)
Look out for the Arts award badge logo on any events relevant to Arts Award.
If you would like to find out more about how we can support you, then contact (opens new window).