Love reading?
If you love reading fiction, we have thousands of books for you, from the latest bestsellers, popular series, top authors, to classics and more.
Want to know what to read next? We have a number of booklists you may be interested in, you can find these in 'downloads'.
There are also websites with great recommendations in 'links' on this page.
Some of our larger libraries also have monthly reading groups for teens, these are free to join.
Help with homework or study
Our libraries offer free computer use and free Wi-Fi, parental permission is required for under 16s.
We have a whole range of free online resources, exclusive to library members.
Reading Well for Teens book collection
Reading Well can help you cope with the pressures of life, feel better about yourself and boost your confidence using books. The Reading Well books (opens new window) have been chosen by young people and health experts to help you with difficult feelings and experiences that can affect your wellbeing. The books have information and advice as well as personal stories about dealing with feelings such as anxiety, depression or stress and experiences such as bullying.
The booklist is targeted at teenagers (13-18) and includes a range of reading levels and formats to support less confident readers and encourage engagement.
The books are free to reserve and to borrow from Wiltshire libraries reserve a book. Many titles are also available to borrow as e-books and audiobooks.
If you have dyslexia or struggle with reading
Barrington Stoke books (opens new window) are especially for you, with great stories written by top authors. We have many of these titles that can be reserved for free from any Wiltshire library.
Ask at your library about multi-sensory stories for teens with additional needs, created by Bag Books (opens new window).
Tried ebooks yet? We have a growing number of teen titles which you may enjoy.
Volunteering or work experience
Summer Reading Challenge
The Summer Reading Challenge runs annually and we look for volunteers to help listen to children talk about books, read, give out incentives and to encourage young readers during the challenge. It's great experience, especially if you are looking to work with children, and it is a rewarding way to support the community. Summer Reading Challenge volunteering can also count towards accreditation schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh's Award or Arts Award.
For the next Summer Reading Challenge volunteering opportunities - check with your local library from spring onwards.
Work experience
We have limited opportunities so suggest in the first instance you speak to the Community Library Manager for the library you are interested in about availability.