eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines
Wiltshire library members can check out eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines by logging in to the Libby (opens new window) app and website with a valid library card number and PIN.
Not yet a member? Find out how to join by visiting the Join the library page.
If you need a PIN reminder, visit the library catalogue (opens new window) and select Forgot PIN? at the bottom of the Login box.
To read our eBooks and eMagazines and listen to our eAudiobooks on tablets and smartphones, you need:
- the Libby (opens new window) app (Amazon Kindle Fire tablet users can download it from the Amazon Appstore (opens new window))
- a Wiltshire library card number and PIN
To read our eBooks on your eReader, you need:
- an Internet-connected computer
- a Wiltshire library card number and PIN (login to libbyapp.com (opens new window))
- Adobe Digital Editions (opens new window) for Mac or PC
Many newer Kobo eReader models include built-in OverDrive support (opens new window), which lets you add your library card and read eBooks directly on your Kobo eReader.
If you have any questions about the service try our eBook, eAudiobooks and eMagazine FAQs, Libby Help categories (opens new window), watch the videos in our Wiltshire Libraries online resources playlist (opens new window) on YouTube or email libraryenquiries@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).
How the eBook and eAudiobook service works
You can borrow up to 10 eBooks and eAudiobooks at a time for free, they can be borrowed for up to 21 days and can be returned early. The items will automatically expire at the end of the loan period, so no need to worry about overdue charges.
You can reserve up to 3 titles at a time for free.
This service is not available on Amazon Kindle eReaders, except the Kindle Fire tablet.
The text in eBooks can be enlarged on most devices, so all titles can be read in large print.
How the eMagazine service works
You can check out as many eMagazines as you wish for free, they can be borrowed for up to 7 days and will automatically expire at the end of this loan period.