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Animal licensing

If you are a running a business which makes a profit for animal boarding, breeding, exhibiting animals, horse riding or selling animals, you will require a licence.

Where possible, send all correspondence and applications via email to (opens new window)

The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018

Animal boarding

Complaints and reporting

Dangerous wild animals

Fees and charges

Lucy's law

Other animal licences

Public register for animal activities

Re-rating and re-inspections


About the licence process

Star ratings

Accessibility - If you are unable to download any of the application forms/document on this page or require a paper version please contact us on 0300 456 0107 or email at (opens new window) and we will contact you to assist you with your application.

Lucy's Law

Changes have been made to the sale of puppies and kittens in the UK. From 6 April 2020, it has become illegal to sell puppies and kittens from pet shops and other commercial third party dealers.

Since October 2018, the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2019 requires any person who carries out the business of selling puppies and kittens as pets to hold a licence. From April 2020 this will be amended so that puppies and kittens (cats under 6 months old) may only be sold as pets if they have been bred by the licence holder.

The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018

Changes have been made to improve the effectiveness of existing regulations, to simplify the application and inspection process for businesses, as well as maintaining and improving existing animal welfare standards. The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 (opens new window).

The Government introduced a significant change with the Licensing of Activities Involving Animals and below you will find the application forms and guidance documents to assist businesses in meeting the new requirements set out under those Regulations. The guidance documents have been updated since first issued.

The current regulations took effect on 1 October 2018. All previous animal legislation relating to dog boarding, dog breeding, sale of pets, hiring out horses and exhibiting animals ceased from this date.

The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have issued procedural guidance notes (opens new window) for the licensing of activities involving animals under these Regulations.

Accessibility - If you are unable to download any of the application forms/document on this page or require a paper version please contact us on 0300 456 0107 or email at (opens new window) and we will contact you to assist you with your application.

Animal boarding

Applications can only be made by individuals.

Refer to the relevant guidance document and pre-inspection information prior to submitting an application. Once completed, the application form should be submitted with the application fee and supporting documents and sent to the address on the form. Alternatively, you can email the completed application - details are to be found on the form.

If you have been a licensed home boarder for the last 10 years we will take your compliance history into consideration when the rating is issued. The highest number of stars will be issued to businesses that comply with the conditions and are able to demonstrate that they fulfil all of the required higher standards plus 50% of the optional higher standards. The level 3 qualification falls under the optional higher standards.

Other animal licences

Dog breeding

Anyone breeding only assistance dogs as defined in the Equality Act 2010 will not require a licence.

Dog Breeding application form (PDF) [103KB] (opens new window)

Defra guidance for dog breeding (opens new window)

Pre Inspection Information for Dog Breeding (PDF) [185KB] (opens new window)  This pre-inspection information does not list all of the licence conditions and guidance. You must refer to the Defra guidance in full. This is not a mandatory document, but aims to assist you in your preparation.

Dog Breeding Renewal Application Form (PDF) [204KB] (opens new window)

My dog has one litter of puppies each year which I sell; will I require a dog breeding licence?

If this provides an income of more than £1000 each year, you will require a licence.

Pet shops

Selling Animals as Pets application form (PDF) [114KB] (opens new window)

Defra guidance for selling animals as pets (opens new window)

Pre-inspection information for selling animals as pets (PDF) [248KB] (opens new window)  This pre-inspection information does not list all of the licence conditions and guidance. You must refer to the Defra guidance in full. This is not a mandatory document, but aims to assist you in your preparation.

Selling Animals as Pets Renewal Application Form (PDF) [242KB] (opens new window)

Hiring out horses

Hiring out Horses Application (PDF) [268KB] (opens new window)

Defra guidance for hiring out horses (opens new window)

Pre Inspection Information for Hiring out Horses (PDF) [143KB] (opens new window)  This pre-inspection information does not list all of the licence conditions and guidance. You must refer to the Defra guidance in full. This is not a mandatory document, but aims to assist you in your preparation.

Schedule of horses (Excel doc) [15KB] (opens new window)  Complete the schedule of horses with the information available and return by email with your application.

Hiring out Horses Renewal Application (PDF) [267KB] (opens new window)

Keeping or training animals for exhibition

Keeping or training animals for exhibition application form (PDF) [104KB] (opens new window)

Defra guidance for keeping or training animals for exhibition (opens new window)

Pre Inspection Information for keeping or training animals for exhibition (PDF) [168KB] (opens new window)  This pre-inspection information does not list all of the licence conditions and guidance. You must refer to the Defra guidance in full. This is not a mandatory document, but aims to assist you in your preparation.

Re-rating and re-inspections

Request for Re-rating

Guidance for the re-rating of animal activity licences

Application Request for Re-rating (PDF) [180KB] (opens new window)

Appeals process for animal licensing ratings

Variation Application

Application to vary an animal activity licence (PDF) [157KB] (opens new window)

Further information

CFSG Code of Practice for dog breeding (opens new window)

CFSG Guidance on dog conformation (opens new window)

Code of practice for the welfare of dogs (opens new window)

Code of practice for the welfare of cats (opens new window)

Code of practice for the welfare of horses (opens new window)

Dog walker scheme

Public Register for Animal Activities

Home Boarding (PDF) [272KB] (opens new window)

Dog Day Care (PDF) [132KB] (opens new window)

Kennels (PDF) [141KB] (opens new window)

Cattery (PDF) [153KB] (opens new window)

Pet Shops (PDF) [124KB] (opens new window)

Exhibition of Animals (PDF) [135KB] (opens new window)

Horse Riding Establishments (PDF) [146KB] (opens new window)

Dog Breeding (PDF) [133KB] (opens new window)

The registers will be updated every quarter.

The welfare standards are those set out in the regulations and guidance. All businesses should meet the standards to get a licence and therefore receive a 2 or 3 star rating. However, minor failings that do not compromise the welfare of animals, such as minor administrative issues, may allow for a licence but with a rating of 1 star.

The guidance to the regulations includes a number of higher standards which businesses may aspire to in order to receive a higher standard rating. These are divided into required and optional. A business needs to meet all the required higher standards and 50% of the optional ones to qualify as meeting higher standards.

The higher standards are specific to the type of activity but in general relate to things like level of qualifications, exercise/enrichment availability and staff ratios. Those achieving higher standards will get a rating of 4 or 5 stars.

The council takes the welfare of animals very seriously and will investigate any complaints relating to unlicensed premises or where the conditions of the licence are not being met. For other animal welfare concerns, the responsible authority can vary between the police, council or RSPCA depending on who has the relevant legal power.

Complaints and reporting

Frequently Asked Questions


Fees and charges

Animal fees and charges

Dangerous wild animals

Application form dangerous wild animals (PDF) [133KB] (opens new window)

Renewal application dangerous wild animals (PDF) [135KB] (opens new window)

Guidance notes for dangerous wild animals licence (PDF) [181KB] (opens new window)


Zoo licensing information and guidance notes

Intention to apply for a zoo licence (PDF) [51KB] (opens new window)

Zoo licence application form (PDF) [17KB] (opens new window)

Zoo licence renewal application (PDF) [108KB] (opens new window)

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