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Environmental Permits including mobile plant

General permit queries

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Part B Activities

This regime is known as Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC). Premises permitted under this regime are known as Part B installations and the processes that they carry out are permitted Part B activities.

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Part A2 Activities

This regime is known as Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, LA-IPPC.

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control aims to make sure that particular industries consider the environment as a whole. LA-IPPC is designed to look at many environmental impacts and to control air, land and water pollution from A1 and A2 activities. The industries concerned are required to assess their use of resources including energy and their generation of waste with a view to the best environmental option.

Dry cleaners

Dry cleaners are subject to Local Authority control in regard to their emissions to the air. It is an offence to operate as a dry cleaner using organic solvents without a permit.

Petrol vapour recovery permit

Respraying of road vehicles permit

The spraying of road vehicles or part of them, carried out as part of vehicle repair, conservation or decoration outside of manufacturing installations is subject to Local Authority control in regard to emissions to air.

Variations to Environmental Permits

Transfer of an Environmental Permit

Application forms

Application for part B 2017 (PDF, 129 KB)(opens new window)

A2 permit application (PDF, 198 KB)(opens new window)

Part B variation application (PDF, 398 KB)(opens new window)

Transfer part B application (PDF, 169 KB)(opens new window)

Surrender part B application (PDF, 220 KB)(opens new window)

Waste Exemption Application (Word doc, 230 KB)(opens new window)

Public registers

Register of commercial and industrial installations
('Part B' processes)

A license is required for statutorily prescribed processes that have the potential to cause significant environmental pollution. A description of the type of processes, which require a permit is contained in The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (opens new window).

The information kept within the Public Register file for each Process / Installation regulated under the Environmental Permitting Regulations is as follows:

  • name and address of the operator
  • registered office (if applicable)
  • copy of the application form
  • advertisement in the paper (if required) and any representations made in response
  • notifications relating to changes in operation
  • notices (variation, information, enforcement, prohibition transfer and suspension)
  • representations
  • authorisations/permit
  • appeals
  • court cases and formal conditions
  • monitoring data
  • commercially confidential monitoring data (N/B)
  • published reports
  • Directions - these include a copy of any direction given to the authority by the Secretary of State other than a direction under section 21(2) relating to national security information. A general direction affecting a number of processes should be copied on to the register for each of these processes.
    Please note: Not all files will contain all the above information.

All of the commercial and industrial installations permitted by Wiltshire Council are listed on the public register.

A complete and up-to-date register of prescribed processes operating in Wiltshire can be viewed at your local Environmental Protection team office.

Further information

Public Register July 2023 (Excel doc, 13 KB)(opens new window)

Contact us

Environmental Control and Protection
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JD

Phone: 0300 456 0107
Email: (opens new window)

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