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Business and Planning Act 2020

Alcohol licensing

Premises with a licence authorising ON-Sales of alcohol (for consumption on the premises, within the licensed area) will automatically be authorised for OFF-Sales, if it is not already included.
The automatic addition of OFF-Sales to every premises licence will permit the same hours that the premises have for ON-Sales, with a cut-off time of 11pm (whichever ends earlier).

For premises which are already permitted ON and OFF-Sales, the following types of conditions (if applicable on the licence) will be suspended:

  • Any conditions restricting the time when OFF-Sales may be made at a time when the premises are open for the purposes of selling alcohol for consumption ON the premises (subject to a cut-off time of 11pm or the closure time of an existing outdoor area, whichever is earlier).
  • Any conditions restricting OFF-Sales in open containers; and
  • Any conditions restricting deliveries to buildings used for residential or work purposes.

Premises that currently have ON-Sales only, do not qualify for this automatic addition of OFF-Sales if a "Disqualifying Event" has occurred in the previous three years. This includes any application that have been refused for OFF-Sales or licences which have had OFF-Sales removed from the licence at a review.

Also refer to the government guidance - GOV.UK Guidance on alcohol licensing: guidance on new temporary off-sales permissions (opens new window).

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