Guidance for variation of a premises licence
Guidance on the application to vary a premises licence
An existing Premises Licence can be varied to take account of changes in the licensable activities allowed at the premises, the times at which those activities can take place and minor changes in the layout or size of the premises. Where a premise is being substantially altered, in terms of layout, size or character (for example a small restaurant being doubled in size and converted into a nightclub), then it may be more appropriate to apply for a new Premises Licence.
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Only the existing Premises Licence Holder can apply to vary a Premises Licence. If you are taking over an existing premise you will need to complete an Application for Transfer before you submit an application to vary.
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Please indicate when you wish the variation to take effect from. Note that it will take a minimum of four weeks to grant a variation and longer if relevant representations are received.
Please summarise your proposals in the box on page 2, for example:
"To allow live music to take place in the Bar Room from 20.00 hrs to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. To extend the hours for sale of alcohol to 01.00 hrs Thursday to Saturday night."
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Please tick the boxes for those things you wish to change and leave the boxes blank for those things which will remain the same.
If the proposed change involves a change in the building rather than the type or times of licensable activity please tick all of the boxes for licensable activities that will take place in the altered building.
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Please complete the corresponding boxes A to M for the licensable activity you wish to change. If there is no change in a particular licensable activity please leave that box blank.
Where there is a change in a licensable activity please complete the time boxes to reflect the total hours now sought.
Please list activities that may give rise to concern in respect of children or indicate `none` if there are not any.
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If you are seeking to have conditions removed from your licence please list them in the box or attach a separate sheet.
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With new applications you are advised to consult each of the Responsible Authorities before submitting your application to vary. The Responsible Authorities will then be able to advise you what they would expect to see in terms of additional steps in your Operating Schedule. For example, if you are intending to provide live music for the first time, there may be a need for additional noise control measures to prevent public nuisance.
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- The correct fee must be enclosed with the Application - please see page 3 of these Guidance Notes.
- A copy of the application must be sent to each of the Responsible Authorities - please see page 4 of these Guidance Notes.
- The Application must be advertised in a local paper and by placing a notice in a clearly visible position on the premises - please see page 6 of these Guidance Notes. Please indicate in which publication your application has been advertised.
- You must include your existing Premises Licence or relevant parts of the Licence with your application. In most cases this will mean the whole Licence. You should retain the Premises Licence Summary on the premises and keep it displayed.
Please see separate list for details of the Responsible Authorities who require copies of the licence application.
Summary of fees
National non domestic rateable value of premises to be licenced | Band | Fee payable with every premise or club premise certificate/variation of licence | Annual fee payable on anniversary of date licence comes into effect | Fee payable for change of details, loss or theft |
Zero to £4,300 | A | £100 | £70 | £10.50 |
£4,300 to £33,000 | B | £190 | £180 | £10.50 |
£33,000 to £87,000 | C | £315 | £295 | £10.50 |
£87,000 to £125,000 | D | £450 | £320 | £10.50 |
£125,000 and above | E | £635 | £350 | £10.50 |
Licence type | Fee payable | Fee payable for change of details, loss or theft |
Personal licence | £37 | £10.50 |
Temporary Event Notice | £21.00 | Not applicable |
Application type | Fee payable |
To vary licence to specify individual as Premises Supervisor | £23.00 |
For the Transfer of a Premises Licence | £23.00 |
Interim Authority Notice following death etc of Licence Holder | £23.00 |
For a Provisional Statement where premises is being built and so on | £315.00 |
Right of Freeholder and others to be notified of licensing matters | £21.00 |
All cheques should be made payable to 'Wiltshire Council'
Example notice
The notice is to be displayed on the premises for a period of no less than 28 consecutive days, starting on the day after the day on which the application was given to the relevant Licensing Authority. The notice, in all cases, must be displayed prominently at or on the premises to which the application relates where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premise. In the case of a premises covering an area of more than fifty metres square, a further notice in the same form and subject to the same requirements must be displayed every fifty metres along the external perimeter of the premises abutting any highway. The Notice must be of a size equal or larger than A4, of a pale blue colour, printed legibly in black ink or typed in black in a font of a size equal to or larger than 16.
The information contained in this notice must also be published in a Local Newspaper at least once during a 10 working days period starting the day after the application was made to the licensing Authority.
Blank public notice - variation of premises licence (Word doc, 54 KB)(opens new window)