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Temporary event notices

Temporary event notices (TENs) must be received by both the Licensing Authority and the Police at least 10 clear working days before the event is to take place - 5 Clear working days for a Late TENs; see guidance notes. This does not include the day we receive it, the day of the event, weekends or Bank Holidays.

Any individual of 18 years or over can apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN), which authorises an event involving any form of licensable activity in a premises that is not already licensed for that activity.

A TEN can also be used to apply for extensions of hours or additional licensable activities in premises that are already licensed.

Licensable activities include the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment.

Fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation, submission error, incorrect details within notice or if the notice is submitted out of time.

Terrorism events across Europe have raised concerns about security at events and large crowd gatherings. Although it is not possible to completely protect our public events, putting some interventions in place will hopefully make them less attractive to places to target.

Event Security Guidance

Event Security Guidance (PDF) [166KB] (opens new window)

HOT Security Procedure (PDF) [35KB] (opens new window)

SEE IT Poster (PDF) [63KB] (opens new window)

Application and guidance notes

All TENs acknowledgements will be sent via email stipulated on the application form.

Application fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation, submission error, incorrect details within application or if the application is submitted out of time.

Accessibility - If you are unable to download any of the application forms/documents on this page or require a paper version please contact us on 0300 456 0107 or email at (opens new window) and we will contact you to assist you with your application.

Temporary event notice guidance

Temporary Event Notice Form (Word doc) [61KB] (opens new window)

TEN Withdrawal of notice (PDF) [48KB] (opens new window)

GOV.UK: Licence Temporary Events Notice (England and Wales) - Apply online (opens new window), please read the guidance notes first.

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