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Temporary Event Notices (TENs)

Information on Temporary Events Notices and if your event requires one.

A temporary event notice (TEN) is required if you wish to carry on any small-scale licensable activity at an unlicensed premises. This includes the supply alcohol, regulated entertainment (such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events) or late night refreshment (hot food or drink) between 11pm and 5am.

A temporary event notice can also be used to extend an existing premises licence temporarily. You may also need a temporary event notice if you are planning an activity at a venue that isn't covered in their existing licence.

You will need a TEN for each event you hold on the same premises.


  • you can use up to 5 TENs in a calendar year (as a non personal licence holder)
  • if you already hold a personal licence you can apply for up to 50 TENs within a calendar year
  • the maximum time duration of a temporary event notice is 168 hours
  • a single premises can have up to 15 TENs applied for in one year, as long as the total length of the events is not more than 21 days
  • if you are organising separate but consecutive events, there must be at least a 24 hour gap between them

Your event must:

  • have fewer than 500 people at all times - including staff running the event
  • last no more than 168 hours (7 days)


  • you must be 18 or older to apply
  • you can only apply as an individual, not an organisation
  • you must display a copy of your returned form at your event


You will need to submit your temporary event notice a minimum of 10 clear working days* before the date of the event.

*Clear working days do not include the day the council receives your application, the day of the event, weekends or Bank Holidays.

You must send a copy of the TEN to the police and environmental health at least 10 working days before the event. If you apply online, the council will contact the police and environmental health for you.

'Late TENs'

The latest you can apply for a 'late TEN' is 5 clear working days* before the event (but not earlier than 9 clear working days).

If you do not hold a personal licence, you can serve up to 2 late TENs per year. If you hold a personal licence, the limit is 10. Late TENs count towards the total number of permitted TENs.


The cost of a temporary event notice application is £21. An application is not deemed to be complete until the fee has been received as well as the correctly completed application form.

Fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation, submission error, incorrect details within notice or if the notice is submitted out of time.

Online Applications

You must ensure the is read and understood before applying.

The easiest way to apply is online: GOV.UK: Licence Temporary Events Notice (England and Wales) - Apply online (opens new window)

Or alternatively, use the standard application form: TEN form 2022 (Word doc, 61 KB)(opens new window)

All TENs acknowledgements will be sent via email stipulated on the application form.

If the TEN is no longer required, you can withdraw your notice by using the following form: TEN Withdrawal of notice (PDF, 48 KB)(opens new window).

It is not possible to refund the cost of the original application.

If you are unable to use the online function, you can email the application to (opens new window)

If you are sending a TEN electronically (by email or applying online), we will forward a copy to the police and the local authority exercising environmental health functions.


If you are unable to download any of the application forms/documents on this page or require a paper version please contact us on 0300 456 0107 or email (opens new window).

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