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Local Plan

Submission and document library

Wiltshire Council submitted the Wiltshire Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government for independent examination on 28 November 2024. 

The Wiltshire Local Plan has been through the Regulation 19 consultation (autumn 2023) period which took place between 27 September to 22 November 2023 and is ready for independent examination. Representations on the Wiltshire Local Plan, along with a schedule of proposed changes have been submitted alongside the prescribed submission documents. 

Examination in Public  

The Wiltshire Local Plan will be subject to an independent examination to be conducted by the Planning Inspectorate. This is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to the receipt of the appointed Planning Inspector's Report. The examination process and timescales for public hearing sessions are determined by the appointed Inspector. The Inspector will examine if the Wiltshire Local Plan meets the tests of soundness defined in the National Planning Policy Framework and meets relevant legislative requirements.  

The Inspector will review representations previously made on the Pre-submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan document.  The examination process will likely involve hearing sessions where those invited to attend will have the opportunity to respond to matters raised by the Inspector. Those who made representations on the Wiltshire Local Plan will, if the Inspector deems it appropriate, be offered the opportunity to appear at the examination and will be notified about the examination process by the Programme Officer.  

Programme Officer and examination website

The Council has appointed an independent Programme Officer - Ian Kemp to assist, and work under the direction of the appointed Inspector throughout the examination process. The Programme Officer will act as an independent point of contact between the Inspector, the Council and any third parties participating in the Examination.

All updates relating to the examination will be published on the examination page via the following link:

Examination page (opens new window)

Wiltshire Local Plan submission document library

The Local Plan and relevant accompanying documents are available to view on below. Paper copies of the submission documents are also available to view as per the instruction below. 


We have prepared a library of the submission documents submitted to the Secretary of State. To help navigate it, it is organised into sections and each document is assigned a code for ease of reference. 


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