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Wiltshire Council confirms how it will spend Government money to tackle local drug use

Additional funding allocated as part of three-year scheme

Published 27 September 2022

Wiltshire Council has agreed how it will spend around £350,000 of a Government grant, as part of a three-year national scheme to support investment to tackle illicit drug use and its damaging impact on individuals, families and communities.

The Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant was awarded to Wiltshire Council, and other authorities across the country, to help bolster the solution to illicit drug use, including enforcement, and treatment and recovery interventions. Subject to approval from HM Treasury, the council has been awarded £351,756 for 2022/23, £360,000 in 2023/24, and £630,000 in 2024/25. Plans for the use of the grant have been approved following engagement and discussion with key stakeholders. This grant money is in addition to the annual funding that Wiltshire Council and its partners commit to spending to tackle and prevent substance misuse harms in the county.  

The additional money will go towards:

  • an increased number of drug and alcohol workers
  • enhanced outreach and engagement, including for people with disabilities and new parents
  • targeted services/provision for parents in need of treatment and support for children of drug and alcohol dependent parents and families
  • additional young people's treatment places
  • increased residential rehabilitation placements, to ensure the option is available to everyone who would benefit
  • enhanced partnership approaches with physical and mental health services, including the co-location of services and interventions
  • development and expansion of a recovery community and peer support network
  • training, education, and continuous professional development

The Government published its national 10-year drug strategy, Harm to Hope, in December 2021 with a key focus on breaking drug supply chains, delivering a world-class treatment and recovery system, and reducing the demand for recreational drugs. It is anticipated that the additional national funding will deliver more than 54,000 high quality treatment places across the country and help support more than 24,000 more people in long-term recovery from substance dependency.

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Public Health, said:

"This is a significant amount of additional money to invest over the next three years so we've been very diligent in our planning with key partners to ensure it supports the people who need it most and it makes a long-term difference to their lives. Drug addiction not only impacts the user but also their loved ones and society around them -  it can have a truly devastating effect. This funding should help people on the right path to recovery and allow for interventions to be delivered in a much more effective and timely way.

"Prevention and early intervention are key guiding themes in our Business Plan. We are strongly committed to this in the long term."

The funding was agreed at Wiltshire Council's Cabinet meeting on 27 September. The full report can be found at Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday 27 September 2022, 10.00 am | Wiltshire Council (opens new window).

If anyone needs support, advice and guidance about substance misuse, they should visit Drug and alcohol misuse - Wiltshire Council for a range of information and contact details.

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