Annual canvass process to start in Wiltshire for 2023
Wiltshire Council is starting its annual process of ensuring the county's electoral register is up to date.

Wiltshire Council is starting its annual process of ensuring the county's electoral register is up to date.
The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) has a legal requirement to conduct a yearly canvass to ensure the electoral register is accurate and complete. The annual canvass process runs between July and November. The Electoral Register will be
re-published with the changes from the Annual Canvass on 1 December 2023.
Each household will receive at least one form of canvass communication (email, letter, or form) asking for confirmation of who lives at the address, to check who is eligible to register to vote.
Not all households will receive an email, letter or form at the same time. The form or email will have clear instructions as to whether each household needs to reply.
The quickest and easiest way for people to confirm details on the Electoral Register, once they have received the instructions, is by using the secure online system at (opens new window) and the security codes provided on your email or letter. The council may email more than one person in the same household, but only one person from each household needs to respond if necessary.
Households that require a person to be added or removed can update details either using the online system or by completing and returning the form. If no changes are required responses can be made by text, phone, online or by returning the form. Responses are required as soon as possible to avoid forms or reminders being sent to your property.
Wiltshire Council encourages all residents to respond to the annual canvass electronically if they can and more than half did so via online, text and phone last year. It's more convenient for residents and saves the council money and time.
Completing and returning the form does not register a person to vote but informs the council of the names of the people who should be on the electoral register at the property. People can register to vote online at (opens new window).
As part of this process, Wiltshire Council will never ask people for their bank details.
Terence Herbert, Wiltshire Council Chief Executive and Electoral Registration Officer, said: People have a legal obligation to confirm their details as part of the annual canvass process and I would encourage them to do so as soon as possible. If you receive a form later this month, follow the instructions to update your details.
Now more than ever, we encourage residents to respond to the canvass electronically if they can. Responding to the canvass online is quicker, easier and saves the council money, which means we can invest more in vital services.
I would also like to take the opportunity to remind people that photo ID is now required to vote at polling stations. More information about the photo ID requirement, acceptable forms of photo ID and how to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate can be found at (opens new window).
More details, including FAQs can be found at