Check in advance if you are travelling by bus over the festive period
Wiltshire Council is encouraging people that will be travelling by bus over the Christmas and New Year festive period to check the bus timetables before they travel.
Cllr Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport said, "The local bus companies have informed us that their timetables will change over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. People can check bus times and plan their journeys in advance by visiting our Connecting Wiltshire website, or by accessing the bus companies' website or app. Alternatively people can call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 (calls cost 12p per minute plus network extras)."
"With most single fares still costing £2 or less, the bus is an option I would encourage everyone to consider when Christmas shopping, visiting friends and family or going out to celebrate."
Bus time changes:
Christmas Eve
Most services will have a Sunday timetable
Christmas Day
No bus services will be operating
Boxing Day
Most services won't be operating, check bus company website or app
Wednesday 27 to Friday 29 December
Most bus companies are running Saturday timetables
Saturday 30 to Sunday 31 December
Most bus companies are running a Saturday/Sunday timetable
Monday 1 January 2024
Most buses won't be running
Tuesday 2 January 2024
All buses return to normal timetables
To check bus times and plan your journey visit (opens new window)
Connecting Wiltshire ( (opens new window)