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Chippenham business issued with Fixed Penalty Notices totalling £1,400 for fly-tipping offences

A Chippenham business has been issued with multiple Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for fly-tipping and environmental offences

Published 1 February 2023
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Following an investigation by Wiltshire Council Environment Enforcement Officers, a Chippenham business has been issued with multiple Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for fly-tipping and environmental offences.

Officers found waste relating to the business on two separate occasions at Sainsbury's car park, Royal Wootton Bassett. Waste had been dumped next to recycling bins and directly under signs warning about fly-tipping and the possible consequences.

The business, which can't be named for legal reasons, was issued with two £400 FPNs for fly-tipping, a £300 fine for transporting waste without a licence and a £300 fine for failing to produce waste transfer notes.

The car park is a known hot-spot for fly-tipping in the area, especially over the Christmas period, and this has prompted complaints from local residents and businesses. While the site is owned by Wiltshire Council, it is leased to Sainsbury's, which maintain the responsibility of clearing any fly-tipped waste and litter in the car park.

Cllr Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding, said: There has been an unacceptable amount of waste left at this location, despite signs warning of the consequences. Leaving items next to the recycling banks is not acceptable; this litter often ends up being blown around and is detrimental to the local environment, which has led to complaints from local residents and businesses.

It is important that all businesses take responsibility for the waste they produce as part of their business activity. All businesses have a legal responsibility to ensure that their commercial waste is stored, transported and disposed of correctly and in line with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

As per our Business Plan, we take fly-tipping very seriously and we are committed to pursuing those who fly-tip across Wiltshire and where we have evidence, we will pursue prosecutions.

The council accepted that much of the waste found deposited did not originate from the business and investigations are still ongoing into the other offenders.

People are asked to report fly tipping using the My Wiltshire app or at

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