Community Conversations making a difference on a local level
Community gardens, men's health groups, boater initiatives and a community pump track are just some of the initiatives that communities are organising to help tackle local issues and come up with their own solutions for improving health and wellbeing.

Community gardens, men's health groups, boater initiatives and a community pump track are just some of the initiatives that communities are organising to help tackle local issues and come up with their own solutions for improving health and wellbeing.
The actions are part of a whole council approach called Community Conversations which focuses on local areas of need and asks people living there to join together, share ideas and see how they can inspire and make a difference where they live.
So far the areas involved includes Bemerton Heath in Salisbury, Studley Green in Trowbridge, Chippenham Queens East, Westbury Oldfield and Penleigh, Melksham Forest and work with the boater community.
Wiltshire Council developed the approach after speaking to local residents in Studley Green and Bemerton Heath. It has enabled people in the areas to join forces and come up with ideas and projects which matter to them and that they know will bring people together and have a positive impact.
Across Wiltshire, the approach has engaged residents, supported community-driven projects, and facilitated the development of inclusive and sustainable initiatives with more to come in 2025. The community engagement has also provided important insights to shape how the council provides services. Some of the residents involved in the Bemerton Heath work have now been employed as Health Coaches at Wiltshire Council and are providing new perspectives and strengthening community engagement and having a positive impact on how the council services are provided.
Some of the projects which residents were happy to share are listed below.
Melksham Forest:
- With support from community conversations, a resident has set up a fortnightly coffee morning for local people to get together
- Helen, a long-time resident, is launching a weekly toddler group starting in the new year at Melksham Forest Community Centre. Determined to make it accessible and free for parents, Helen attributes her confidence and planning skills to Community Conversations. She said: "I wouldn't have had the confidence to do this without Community Conversations; I wouldn't have known where to start." Her 10-year-old daughter is also organising quarterly litter picks to to promote environmental awareness and community cohesion.
- Rivermead School students have shared their visions for more green-space activities through Community Conversations workshops. A new weekly after-school club will launch in February 2025, in collaboration with Wiltshire Council Leisure, Culture, and Communities team
- Plans for a community garden, free Christmas pantomime for children, and new youth provisions such as Wiltshire Wildlife Trust family days are planned.
- Community Conversations helped submit a successful application to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for grants for a new children play park in Awdry Avenue and refurbishment of Melksham Forest Community Centre. Plans are also being prepared for an extension to the Men's Shed..
Westbury: Oldfield and Penleigh
- Developing a programme of events and activities at Westbury Community Project during 2025. Also arranging a Community Day at Penleigh Park during Easter 2025.
- Helping residents to advocate for essential repairs including dealing with overgrown hedges and delayed fence maintenance.
Bemerton Heath
- Setting up Brothers of Bemerton (B.O.B) a thriving online men's group supporting mental health and community connection which is increasing its numbers. The group was founded by Sam who explained: "I have been emboldened by the Community Conversations project to take on roles in strategic governance after thinking for the last decade I would never be of use again."
- Bemerton Heath also set up a free bus to Aldi so residents can use the local supermarket. People using the bus have said how it's changed their lives especially for those with mobility or health challenges.
- Other projects include a community garden which has been developed with volunteer support, a series of community-led workshops to enable residents to share what they love about Bemerton Heath working in partnership with Wiltshire Creative and resident artists to create Welcome to Bemerton Heath signs.
- Planning is underway for a community pump track.
Boater community
- The Floating Fayre in Bradford on Avon was a canal side event organised by Floaty Boat to showcase & celebrate the boating community. We attended alongside NHS colleagues to provide health advice and offer flu & Covid vaccinations. The vaccinations were provided on the Waterways Ministries canal boat Litania. During the event the team had some great conversations about the challenges of living on the canal, issues related to wellbeing and healthcare access as well as offering support including providing oral health packs and signposting to other healthcare services..
- A drama workshop is being planned in conjunction with Folio Theatre which will offer a creative outlet for the boating community, provide a chance to socialise and meet new people.
- A series of First Aid workshops are planned for the spring which will be delivered by St John Ambulance. These carefully designed workshops will give boaters the chance to learn skills which will allow them to deal with injuries and ailments that are typically suffered by the boating community and others who regularly use the towpath. Every attendee with be given a first aid kit and a sign to put on their boat which will show others where help can be obtained in the event of an accident. What3words will also be covered to allow faster emergency services response should an accident occur.
Chippenham Queens East
- Residents are training as leaders and hosting inclusive walking groups through the Wiltshire Council "Get Wiltshire Walking" programme.
- A monthly photography club has been created by resident panel members to boost creativity and community bonding.
- A new initiative on storytelling and arts is being created to celebrate personal connections to the area. A mobile exhibition showcasing some of these stories will be displayed in early 2025.
Studley Green:
- Studley Green hold three-weekly community meetings to discuss local issues and ideas for development.
- Through Community Conversations and the Studley Green Community Association a new community garden for residents has been created with support from local organisations including Idverde, Grist Environmental and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
- Jo Gray head of Studley Green Community Association helped deliver a community fun day in the summer
- Trowbridge Rotary club donated 4000 crocus bulbs for Polio Awareness to Studley Green and Year 6 pupils at Studley Green Primary School spent the afternoon planting them around the school
- A UK Shared Prosperity Fund application has been submitted by the residents panel to convert the Children's Centre, owned by Studley Green Primary School, into a community hub. This will provide signposting, guidance, advice and run clubs and activities for the benefit of the community.
- The Doorstep Sports club run by Active Trowbridge and Wiltshire Council now has 35+ local children participating in sports and activities
- Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has led various activities including two bat walks, a moth walk and hedgehog talks, whist running their Next-door to Nature programme. A Studley resident now volunteers for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, and has set up a monthly Wildlife Watch club to get children back into nature and interested in wildlife
- Two residents are looking to set up a book club and a knitting club in collaboration with Wiltshire libraries. Also plans are being made for a scout group on the estate.
- As part of Community Conversation, Studley Green residents are working with Trowbridge Town council to design and build two new playparks, adult resistance exercise equipment and resurface the existing BMX track
Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council said: Community Conversations shows the power of listening, collaboration, and grassroots action. From facilitating toddler groups and advocating for infrastructure improvements to organising vibrant community events, this initiative helps residents shape their communities in meaningful ways. It has increased engagement with communities and helped build really trusting relationships. Local authorities and government bodies like the NHS can sometimes assume that we know what issues communities face and how to address them. It is really important that we don't make that sort of assumption, that we take time to listen to residents and make sure services are delivered in ways that work for our communities in reality.
Kate Blackburn Wiltshire Council Director Public Health said: People know their own areas best. They know what will work for them and what needs to be done. As a council we have been there to help join some of the dots and try and bring the right people together if required, and then It's just been a matter of standing out of the way and seeing the communities thrive with all their own ideas and creativity, and It's making such a difference. We decided on this fresh approach after meeting locals in Bemerton Heath and Studley Green and they have taken it on, made it their own and created opportunities for people in their communities that they know will work. This is just the start and I look forward to hearing more about communities taking it forward in the future.