First phase of improvements at Castle Street, Trowbridge successfully completed
The first phase of improvement works at Castle Street in Trowbridge have been successfully completed
The first phase of improvement works at Castle Street in Trowbridge have been successfully completed, with the area between Cradle Bridge and the Court Street roundabout now benefitting from new paving along the footpath and new seating areas provided with new bus shelters.
This complements the improvements already made such as upgraded street lighting and soft landscaping and tree pruning creating a softer and more welcoming route into the town centre. The existing pedestrian refuge islands around the Court Street/St Stephen's Place roundabout have been altered to create more direct crossings, with wider waiting areas to accommodate pedestrians, wheelchair users, mobility scooters and cycles.
The second phase of improvements is going well and is anticipated to be completed at the end of November 2023. This work is focused on the area from the Court Street roundabout to Market Street junction and involves the widening of the footpath on the western side and the continued paving works on both sides of Castle Street. Street lighting improvements and road surfacing is also taking place.
Cllr Caroline Thomas, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Transport, said: We are delighted with the first phase of improvements. The area is far more pleasant and welcoming for those people who use this key pedestrian link from St Stephen's Place complex into the town centre. The coloured bus shelters add a nice touch to the area.
Trowbridge Town Council will soon be planting various shrubs between Cradle Bridge and Court Street roundabout putting the finishing touches to this phase of works.
As the second phase of improvements continue, we recognise that these are causing some disruption to local people and businesses, and we apologise for the inconvenience. Our contractor has been regularly liaising with all local businesses to keep them up to date on the works. We would like to remind people that all businesses are open as usual. Pedestrian access to all businesses has been maintained at all times, with a gatekeeper on site to assist with any access needs.
Vehicle access currently requires drivers to follow a diversion route through the town centre, which is signed. The restriction on turning left from Market Street into Castle Place has been temporarily lifted to allow drivers to do this manoeuvre. There is also pedestrian access available from local car parks, including Court Street, St Stephens Place and Castle Place.
In approximately 2-3 weeks the traffic management arrangements will change enabling access to part of castle street for vehicular traffic although it will remain closed for through movement.
One of the council's key priorities is to create vibrant and well-connected communities. The Castle Street improvements are the second in a series of highway projects that form part of the £16 million package of town centre improvements funded through the government's Future High Streets Fund. To find out more about the schemes visit: