Growing Up and Moving On guide helps SEND young people prepare for the future
The Growing Up and Moving On Guide helps young people with SEND consider what they want to do after school and the support that is available to help make those choices
A new guide to help young people with special educational needs and or disabilities to decide on choices after school has been published with the help of those people using the service.
The Growing Up and Moving On Guide helps young people with SEND consider what they want to do after school and the support that is available to help make those choices.
The guide has been shared in SEND schools and resource bases in secondary schools with young people encouraged to start the conversation early around options for the future. It features tips around money management, benefits, life skills and independence and a checklist for people to tick off the steps they are taking to becoming an adult.
Information on the pages includes:
- Advice on Independent living
- Being part of the community - taking part in clubs and activities, volunteering
- Taking care of health including the support available after 18
- Where to get local independent help and support
Young people who helped to shape the guide are featured in its pages. Students from Fairfield Farm College have also created a series of films to talk about the different areas and what it means to them on a personal level.
Alice has been learning about work skills. She said: "I have been doing my maths and English and prepping for job interviews. I live in the houses and we lay tables, we cook, do laundry and tidy our room. In the future I'd like to live on my own."
Libby explained: "When I first started (at the college) I was really shy and didn't talk to many people. I've started to talk to people and if I need help I can ask for help, I've worked in the café shop and Hope Centre. I talk to the customers and serve them, take their drink out and take their food out. In the future I'd like to work with dogs as a dog groomer."
Lee has been doing a work skills course which he says will help him to have the skills to get a job in the future. He said: "have written my CV and have mock interviews with Center Parcs. I have learnt about independence, time and travel. In the future I would like to work in hospitality like a café, hub or restaurant. I have lots of experience at college in the shop, café and Hope Centre. The careers manager Darren has made a referral to community connecting and they are helping me with travel training, employment opportunities and social activities. My Community Co-ordinator Claire has supported me to use my local bus service. She will support until I'm ready to do it on my own and be independent."
Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for SEND said: "Looking at life after school is a big adventure for all young people and their families. It's important young people with SEND also can look ahead with confidence and are supported as they consider what they want to do - be that education, employment or volunteering or any other pathway. This guide brings useful information together in one place to help them think of those choices and is a useful reference point to know what support is available if needed. It's an exciting time for all young people and we want people with SEND and their families to feel supported to make decisions which help young people to chase their dreams and enjoy moving into adulthood."
The guide is available online (PDF, 619 KB)(opens new window).