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Join the discussion: SEND parent carers invited to online chats to shape future provision

Families with children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) or who access alternative provision outside of mainstream schooling, are invited to join online discussion groups as the next stage of helping to shape provision in Wiltshire

Published 26 March 2024

Families with children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) or who access alternative provision outside of mainstream schooling, are invited to join online discussion groups as the next stage of helping to shape provision in Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Council works closely with SEND families to ensure there are high standards of support and also opportunities for independence.

Earlier this year, meetings were held across the county with parents, carers, children and young people all invited to have their say on the future of their SEND and Alternative Provision.

The topics discussed at these meetings has helped provide some emerging priorities for the long-term plan for Wiltshire called the SEND Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy (SENDIAP).

When the new strategy is published, it will set out the long-term plan of how the council will act on agreed priorities so children, young people and families with SEND or in alternative provision have the very best in Wiltshire.

Now parent carers can sign up to join online sessions to discuss how these priorities will be part of the strategy, with topics including preparing for the move from school to being an adult, support and advice and the voice of the child and their family.

As well as parent carers, there will be key representatives from services and providers to listen and respond to the views and suggestions.

The dates and timings are below:

Monday 15 April, 10am to 11.30am Quality of planning

Monday 15 April, 4pm to 5.30pm Preparation for Adulthood

Monday 22 April, 10am to 11.30am Better communication and quality of information

Monday 22 April, 4pm to 5.30pm Support and Advice

Tuesday 30 April, 10am to 11.30am Skills, knowledge and understanding of practitioners

Tuesday 30 April, 4pm to 5.30pm Voice of the child and their family.

Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for SEND, said: The feedback we've had already from parent carers has been invaluable. We're now taking those key findings and priorities from those earlier sessions and asking people to attend these online discussion groups to explore this further. Ultimately, our SENDIAP Strategy is for everyone and will reflect the views of all and will be our reference point for all SEND decision-making in the future.

Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said: We are fortunate in Wiltshire to have so many parent carers who will engage and inform us with their own first-hand experiences. These discussion groups are an opportunity to gather more views and ideas on how to provide the best support and opportunities for the years ahead. I hope many people will be able to join these important discussions.

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