Putting words into action. SEND families invited to online meetings to share views
Wiltshire Council is asking families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to share their views and help prioritise changes being made following the newly launched SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy
Wiltshire Council is asking families of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to share their views and help prioritise changes being made following the newly launched SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy.
An online meeting, scheduled for Friday 15 November - 1pm to 2pm will give SEND families a chance to provide valuable feedback on how best to implement the action plan that accompanies the strategy, which was formally approved in September. This is a Teams online event and people are encouraged to download the Teams app beforehand.
The SEND and AP Strategy called Meeting needs together, ambitious for all - Local Offer has six core priorities designed to ensure that children and young people with SEND receive the best support at every stage:
1. Children, young people, and families will be central to planning, with their voices and aspirations heard and acted upon as true partners.
2. Delivering the right support at the right time, through early identification of needs and promotion of inclusive practices.
3. Offering opportunities for timely planning that reflects the current needs of children and families, with clear outcomes.
4. Ensuring good quality communication and easy access to information, so families have a positive experience navigating services.
5. Empowering professionals with the knowledge, skills, and training to collaborate effectively, carry out joint assessments, and share good practices.
6. Preparing children and young people for adulthood, enabling smoother transitions, greater independence, and a wider range of opportunities.
Questions and points can also be sent in advance to communications@wiltshire.gov.uk.
A second webinar is planned for early December to discuss specific aspects of SEND support. A range of help is available for SEND children and young people and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPS) are one type available.
The second online session on 5 December 6pm - 7pm will discuss proposed improvements to the funding process for EHCPs to ensure the system is fair while increased investment is earmarked for this area.
Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for SEND, said: "We are committed to ensuring children and young people with SEND receive the best start in life. Our strategy, developed with the input of families, schools, and other partners, sets out clear goals for improving the quality of support. Now we are putting words into action, and we want everyone to be part of that. We are also looking to simplify the funding process, ensuring that resources are allocated fairly while investing more into our SEND services. Once again a key part will be hearing from everyone as we move the proposals forward."