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Report details responses to Salisbury junction improvements engagement exercise

The report shares the views of the public, businesses and other local stakeholders

Published 1 September 2021
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Wiltshire Council has published a report on the recent Salisbury junction improvements consultation and engagement exercise, which shares the views of the public, businesses and other local stakeholders.

The proposed Salisbury junction improvements would see three key junctions around Salisbury - Exeter Street Roundabout, Harnham Gyratory and Park Wall Junction - all upgraded to improve journey times and reduce queues for motor vehicles, while at the same time improving facilities for walking and cycling and linking the city's active travel routes.

The initial consultation and engagement exercise was held from 17 June-18 July, starting with a presentation at Salisbury Area Board, followed by a presentation at the Southern Wiltshire Area Board and meetings with Salisbury City Council, plus two further online public events that enabled people to find out more and ask questions about the scheme.

Cllr Mark McClelland, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: "The initial consultation and engagement exercise was very useful, as it enabled us to tap into local knowledge to make changes to improve the scheme.

"We're using the results of this engagement exercise as part of the outline business case that we'll send to the Department for Transport (DfT) to move the project to the next stage.

"Once we've had feedback from DfT, we'll develop the project in more detail. There will then be further opportunities for people to have their say and for their feedback to help us shape the scheme.

"This project will increase capacity on Salisbury's transport network for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists, reduce delays and improve journey time reliability for all vehicles, including buses at the three junctions."

To read the consultation report and to find out more about the proposals, people should go online.

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