Safeguarding is everyone's business
As part of national Safeguarding Adults Week Wiltshire Council is reminding people safeguarding is everyone's business and to get in touch if they have any concerns.
As part of national Safeguarding Adults Week Wiltshire Council is reminding people safeguarding is everyone's business and to get in touch if they have any concerns.
Adults can be at risk of abuse if they self-neglect or if someone treats them in a way that can harm them.
People carrying out the abuse may not be strangers, they can also be partners, relatives, a friend, neighbour or carer. Abuse can be financial, emotional, physical, psychological abuse as well as domestic abuse. It can take many forms ranging from disrespect to causing someone physical or mental pain. It can occur in someone's home, a care home, a hospital or a public place. Often the people who commit abuse are taking advantage of a special relationship. The reminder is also going out to professionals working with adults to report any issues.
This year the theme of the week organised by the ann craft trust (opens new window) is Working in Partnership. It focuses on how organisations and individuals can work together and help reduce the risk of harm occurring in the first instance but also ensuring correct policies and procedures are in place so any safeguarding concerns raised are recognised and responded to effectively.
Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said: Sadly abuse of adults is taking place and it's not always talked about. We may also see someone not taking care of themselves - it can be subtle signs but it's there. There are steps both professionals and everyone can take to get help. We have safeguards in place and by working together and people speaking out more we can address these issues. Safeguarding is everyone's business.
If people in Wiltshire have any concerns they can contact Adult MASH on 0300 456 0111 or via the website Your care Your support Wiltshire (opens new window) The Adult MASH team is a multi-agency hub with social workers, police and nurse specialists.