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Second phase of improvement works at Castle Street, Trowbridge, starts next week

With the first phase of improvement works at Castle Street in Trowbridge due to be completed in September, the second phase of works will start next week to ensure the scheme is completed before the Christmas period.

Published 25 August 2023

With the first phase of improvement works at Castle Street in Trowbridge due to be completed in September, the second phase of works will start next week to ensure the scheme is completed before the Christmas period.

From Tuesday 29 August, the second phase of works will focus on the area from the Court Street roundabout to Market Street junction and will involve widening the footpath on the western side and to continue paving works on both sides of Castle Street. Street lighting improvements and road surfacing will also take place. 

To enable this work to be carried out safely, the road will be closed From Tuesday 29 August until the works are completed at the end of November. A signed diversion route will be in place and access arrangements to the car wash and other businesses will be maintained and clearly signed. All businesses will remain open as usual.

Cllr Caroline Thomas, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Transport, said: "The first phase is coming together nicely and once completed next month will make a real difference to those people who use this key pedestrian link from St Stephen's Place complex into the town centre.

"The road closure will, unfortunately, cause some disruption to local people, and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience. We would encourage drivers to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journeys. We will ensure, however, that planned events such as the carnival procession will be accommodated.

"Castle Street is one of five key routes into and around Trowbridge town centre to benefit from improvements as part of the £16 million government's Future High Streets Fund to improve walking and cycling access to the town centre. The first scheme was the improvements to the junction of Church Street and Union Street which completed in April this year. We hope people can begin to see the benefits these enhancements will bring both through the completed Church Street and Union Street junction plus the improvements done so far at Castle Street."

To complete the first phase of improvements at Castle Street, the area between Cradle Bridge and the Court Street roundabout will see new footpath surface material laid in September to provide a more attractive pedestrian route. Combined with soft landscaping, tree pruning and planting this will create a softer and more welcoming route into the town centre. Street lighting has been upgraded, and seating areas provided with bus shelters scheduled to be provided in September.

In addition, the existing pedestrian refuge islands around the Court Street/St Stephen's Place roundabout have been altered to create more direct crossings, with wider waiting areas to accommodate pedestrians, wheelchair users, mobility scooters and cycles.

It is anticipated that the second phase of works at Castle Street will be completed at the end of November. However, the overall work for the remaining three schemes which includes Wicker Hill and Hill Street, including Fore Street, Manvers Street and, lastly, Roundstone Street will all be completed in phases with the last one completing in 2025.

To find out more about the schemes visit: Future High Streets Fund Trowbridge.

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