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Social Work and Me, reflecting on events, challenges, and successes in 2021

To celebrate Social Work Week, Wiltshire Council will be running a series of events to bring together social workers to learn, connect, engage and debate the growing value that social work adds to society.

Published 14 March 2022

Social Work Week takes place between 14 to 18 March 2022. It is a Social Work England initiative and this year the focus of the week is 'Social work and me'.

The week coincides with World Social Work Day on 15 March, which recognises the hard work and dedication of social workers and this year has the theme 'Co-building a new eco-social World - Leaving no one behind'.

Wiltshire Council will be hosting a range of online events with Social Work England and PAN Dorset for social workers, with a different topic and guest speakers each day:

Online events 2022

Monday 14 March, 9am to 4.30pm

Siobhan Maclean will be hosting a masterclass to talk about reflection and reflective supervision practice in social work.

It's free to register at Eventbrite: Children's Social Work Open Event (opens new window).

Tuesday 15 March, 10am to 11am

'Eating Disorders - the facts', author and mental health advocate, Nicola Davis will be covering body image issues and how to support someone affected

Register at Microsoft Teams: Join a Teams meeting (requires meeting ID and meeting passcode) (opens new window)

Tuesday 15 March,11am to 12.30pm

'Supporting and assessing through a cultural lens' - a workshop to support children's social care practitioners to feel confident working in a way which focusses on diversity needs.

Join on your computer or mobile app Microsoft Teams: Join a Teams meeting (requires meeting ID and meeting passcode) (opens new window)

Phone Conference ID: 226 719 07#

Thurs 17 March, 10am to 11.30am

'Our new ways of writing' and how our approach to language helps us ensure the child's narrative is central.

Join on your computer or mobile app Microsoft Teams: Join a Teams meeting (requires meeting ID and meeting passcode) (opens new window)

Phone Conference ID: 217 814 579#

Friday 18 March, 11am to 12 noon

We are delighted to welcome Jaz for an interview about her experiences of social work practice in the context of domestic abuse.

Join on your computer or mobile app Microsoft Teams: Join a Teams meeting (requires meeting ID and meeting passcode) (opens new window)

Phone Conference ID: 145 688 841#

Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said: "This week is an important opportunity to give a voice to people with lived experience of social work enabling them to set the tone of our focus on protection of the public and facilitating conversations about raising standards in social work and building confidence in the profession."

Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care added: "The events we are running will aim to engage a diverse audience, including children and young people, older people, social work students, people with lived experience of adult services and mental health services, refugees and asylum seekers.

"We want to ensure that everyone is engaged in how the social work sector can make positive change for the benefit of people in Wiltshire who need social work support."

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