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Still time to comment on the Draft Licensing Policy

Residents and business owners are reminded to take part in the draft licensing policy consultation before it closes on 29 May.

Published 20 May 2024

Wiltshire residents and businesses are being reminded to comment on the draft licensing policy before the consultation period closes on 29 May.

The consultation is a legal requirement under the Licensing Act 2003, which sets out how the council would administer, monitor and enforce activities, particularly when making decisions on applications for premises licences, club premises certificates, personal licences and temporary event notices.

As the Licensing Authority, Wiltshire Council is required to promote four objectives:

  1. The prevention of crime and disorder
  2. Public safety
  3. The prevention of public nuisance
  4. The protection of children from harm

Cllr Dominic Muns, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: The provision of entertainment is a major contributor to our local economy and to creating vibrant and attractive places to visit in Wiltshire, with the licensing policy playing an integral part in the operation of these type of events.

We've had a decent response so far, but we are keen for anyone who is involved in licensing or the promotion of licensing objectives to feedback their views before the consultation closes on 29 May and assist us with finalising the policy.

The results of the consultation will be reported back to the council's Licensing Committee at its meeting in June, with a view to the revised policy being in place from November. The draft policy can be found at Statement of licensing policy draft 2024-2029 (opens new window)

The consultation can be found at Draft Licensing Policy 2024-29 consultation (opens new window). Paper copies are also available in Wiltshire Council libraries.

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