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Trowbridge leisure centre planning application to be decided this week

The planning application for a proposed new leisure centre in Trowbridge will be decided at a meeting next week.

Published 9 December 2024
Artist impression of proposed Trowbridge Leisure Centre

The application has been recommended for approval by the planning officer, subject to conditions, and will be decided at Strategic Planning Committee from 10:30am on 11 December. The committee will make the final decision, and if planning permission is granted, the leisure centre will be built on the council's East Wing site in Trowbridge, located across Bythesea Road, opposite County Hall.  

The planning application was submitted by Wiltshire Council in September 2024 and followed a period of engagement that saw several well attended drop-in sessions taking place for people to find out more information, and a survey to provide feedback on the plans.

Around 700 people attended the drop-in sessions held throughout the town during June, and 692 people fed back the survey.  

The planning application reference number is PL/2024/08255 and can be found on the council's planning website at (opens new window)

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Leisure, said: This exciting project is gathering momentum. I'm pleased that following an intensive period of work and due diligence from everyone involved, we are in the positive position of having the planning application considered this side of Christmas.  

I'd like to thank everyone who has engaged in the planning process for this application so far. 

Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Development Management and Strategic Planning, said I am pleased that our planning service has been able to consider this planning application promptly and prepare a comprehensive report for consideration by Strategic Planning Committee for a decision this week. The Committee will carefully consider the scheme before making a decision, taking account of all comments that have been received. 

Throughout this project, the council has been working closely with internal and external colleagues with the shared goal of optimising the quality of the new leisure centre. The scheme was independently reviewed by design and placemaking experts by Design West, as part of a design review process, who provide the council with valuable feedback and made suggestions for improvements. 

The leisure centre would be constructed using high-quality, robust materials, with glazed facades and a prominent entrance to welcome visitors. The modern design would have a strong industrial aesthetic that reflects the heritage of Trowbridge. Internally, accessibility has been put at the heart of the design plans. 

To support the council's target of being carbon neutral by 2030 the project has been designed with a fabric first approach to ensure it would be as energy efficient as possible. Solar panels would be installed on available roof space, helping power the all-electric building. This would be further supported by the external landscaping that would create a green island in Trowbridge with walking, cycling and wheeling travel routes woven in. 

It is proposed that the new facility will contain the following:   

  • A six-lane, 25m swimming pool    
  • 7m x 13m learner pool    
  • Gym with 120 exercise stations    
  • Two studios    
  • Immersive spin studio   
  • Community meeting room    
  • Café    
  • Adventure play - providing activities for young people in the form of TAGactive (main target age group 12-16yrs) 
  • Live well suite - providing a dedicated space for older people to exercise   

Following previous extensive consultation and a review of a wide range of evidence and data, the proposed new leisure centre facility does not include diving facilities, sports hall, or squash courts. It is anticipated that the dry side elements of Trowbridge Sports Centre (at Clarendon) would be retained there, including the sports hall, small hall and squash courts. Wiltshire Council is in discussion with Acorn Education Trust regarding the existing facilities at Trowbridge Sports Centre.  

If planning permission is granted, a report will be presented to Cabinet early next year and they will be asked to consider final approval for the project.  

More information about the plans, and a link to the planning application, can be found at (opens new window).  

The agenda and reports of the Strategic Planning Committee can be found at Meeting - Democratic Services - Wiltshire Council (opens new window) 

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