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Wiltshire 'bucks' the national trend as 95% of families offered their first secondary school choice

98% of Wiltshire families have been offered one of their three secondary school preferences for this September, with 95% offered their first preference.

Published 1 March 2023

Figures released today (1 March) show 95% of parents have been offered a place at their first preference school for their child, which is the same percentage that were offered their first preference in 2022.

Early indications predict that nationally the trend will show a decrease in the number of families being offered their first choice of secondary school.

The total number of applications received decreased slightly, due to the number of children in the cohort transferring to secondary school in September 2023 being lower than in 2022.

5,087 applications were received, 166 less than in 2022.

The majority of parents applied online, with 99% or 5,087 submitted digitally, and just 47paper applications.

Parents and carers who have applied online will be sent an email confirming the school place offer for their child, if they have selected to receive their decision via email.

If they have selected to receive their decision via the Parent Portal, then parents will need to log back into the Parent Portal to view the outcome.

All parents and carers have until Wednesday 15 March 2023, to confirm they wish to accept or decline the place they have been offered, so there is plenty of time to respond.

Parents will need to have their user ID and password to confirm if they wish to accept or decline the place. Further guidance on how to access the Parent Portal can be found on the Wiltshire Council website in the FAQ's section

Parents who have submitted a paper application will receive a letter confirming the outcome of their application which will be posted out to them on 1 March 2023.

Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills said: "Choosing the right secondary school for your child is such an important step and I'm pleased that once again Wiltshire families will have good news about their preferred schools. These healthy figures are possible due to the careful planning and strategic thought that our officers invest to ensure there are sufficient places for this September but also for the years ahead.

"I wish all our pupils and their families the best as they can now look ahead to September and preparations for making that important step from primary to secondary."

The right to an independent appeal is open to anyone who has not received an offer at one of their preferred schools. Parents who wish to appeal for a place at a voluntary controlled or community school should visit our 'Apply for a school place' web page for details of how to appeal.

Parents who wish to appeal for a place at a voluntary aided, foundation school or an academy should contact the school directly to lodge an appeal.

Parents who have any further general queries regarding admissions can email (opens new window) or contact our customer services on 01225 713010.

2023 Secondary Intake

98.4% of parents will secure a place at one of their preferred schools.

4,835  = 95.05% parents will receive an offer at the first preference school

158 = 3.11% parents will receive an offer at the second preference school

13 = 0.26% parents will receive an offer at the third preference school

81 = 1.58% parents will be allocated a school which was not one of their preferences 

Applications received = 5,087 (166 less applications than 2022)

Online applications = 5,041 (99% of applications have been made online)

Paper applications = 46 = 1 % (12 less paper applications than 2022)

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