Wiltshire Holiday Activity and Food programme a summer of success
More than 1,220 young people took part in Wiltshire Council's FUEL programme over the summer holidays

More than 1,220 young people took part in Wiltshire Council's FUEL programme over the summer holidays enjoying a host of activities and around 9,240 nutritious meals.
Wiltshire Council's Holiday Activity and Food programme FUEL (Food, Unity, Energy and Laughter) is funded by the Department for Education and provides children who are eligible for benefits related free school meals with free access to activity, food and nutritional education during school holidays. The FUEL programme in Wiltshire has supported more than 10,000 children, since launching in 2021.
In May the council was informed that its FUEL programme provider partner, Learn By Design, was ceasing to trade and so would not be putting on activities this summer. Wiltshire Council rapidly invited a range of organisations to submit their interest in running the programme instead, so that children and their families wouldn't miss out. Following a very positive response and a great amount of co-ordination, the programme was able to take place this summer.
In total, 16 organisations delivered the summer programme, providing 25 activity camps throughout the county. The FUEL programme partnered with a range of organisations including activity providers, schools, children's centres and local community partners to deliver a variety of activities including multi-sports, farmyard experiences, gymnastics, outdoor learning, performing arts and photography.
In addition, two FUEL summer camps for young people with additional needs took place at Springfield Community Campus in Corsham and Sarum Academy in Salisbury. The sessions were throughout August including activities such as dodgeball, dance, new age kurling, cricket and boccia.
Food and nutrition providers Occasional Kitchen and Purely Nutrition supported all FUEL activity camps, providing healthy lunches and nutritional education. Participants took part in nutritional workshops, including making healthy pizzas, fruit cheesecakes, bread making and healthy drinks.
Cllr Laura Mayes, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Skills said: We're delighted with the response to this year's summer FUEL programme particularly after the challenges we faced. If no summer programme had taken place it would have put some families in difficulty during the six-week holiday so we thank our partners for stepping up at short notice and putting on some great activities. I popped along to one of the sessions and, as always, it was great to see everyone having fun.
Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Public Health said: We want to give children the best start in life and to help keep them safe, healthy and active, and FUEL is a fantastic programme for them and their families.
I thoroughly enjoyed visiting sessions this summer and we look forward to the programme continuing again later this year, once again providing a range of fun activities.
The FUEL programme will be delivered again during the Christmas holidays and eligible families will be able to sign up later in the year. Details will be promoted through all schools in Wiltshire in due course.
For further information about the Holiday Activity and Food Programme in Wiltshire please email fuelprogramme@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window).