Government grant to help people stay safe, keep warm, and fed this winter
Government grant to support people this winter
Wiltshire Council will be using a Government grant to help ensure as many vulnerable people as possible in the county are safe, warm and fed this winter.
The Government's £421 million national Household Support Grant Scheme was made available in early October 2021 to support those most in need across England with the cost of food, energy (heating, cooking, lighting), water bills and other essential costs.
The council was awarded £2,728,656 as part of the scheme and has liaised with partner agencies to agree how the money should be allocated.
The aim of the scheme is to give vulnerable households peace of mind in the run-up to Christmas and over the winter months by helping to make sure they have food other essentials, such as heat and electric.
The money will be used for the following initiatives delivered by Wiltshire Council; there is no need for people to apply to Wiltshire Council for any funding from the Household Support Grant Scheme. Eligible people will be identified and contacted individually via:
- Food payments during the school holidays from last month's half term up to and including Easter for families who are eligible for free school meals/ Better2Gether Funding (free childcare for two-year olds) and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). Payments will be made via schools and settings to all those currently in receipt of payments. Due to the timing of the national announcements, families will have received payment for the October holiday during the first week of November; all future holiday payments will be made in advance of the holidays. Families with school age children who are eligible for free school meals but not currently claiming them can apply directly to Wiltshire Council by using the form on the Free school meals page. For families with younger children eligible for Early Years funding for 2 year olds or Early Years Pupil Premium, should contact the child's setting directly to apply. Families who are already claiming this funding should contact their child's school or setting if they have a query regarding the additional holiday payments.
- Providing financial contribution to low-income households with children who are not eligible for the above food payments as well as to low-income households without children. These one-off payments will be made directly to working age low-income residents who are in receipt of Council Tax Reduction at the relevant times. Eligible people will be contacted directly.
- Support for rough sleepers with money for food, and energy set-up costs at new accommodation as well as support for those at risk of homelessness; this support will be administered by the council's Housing Department
- Supporting Wiltshire Council tenants with fuel and food costs; this will be administered by the council's Housing Department
- Financial support for Food Banks and linked projects to ensure they are able to purchase and provide food to those most in need
In addition to this support, Wiltshire Council has also provided funding for the following initiatives, and people are asked to contact the relevant partner organisations for any more information they may need:
- Support for older and vulnerable people with underlying health conditions - Wiltshire Community Foundation's Surviving Winter campaign provides practical and financial help for people living in fuel poverty. From 1 November, people who are in receipt of means-tested benefit and are aged over 65 or suffer from a long-term health condition, may be eligible for assistance including fuel vouchers and a range of advice. For more information about eligibility and help available contact Warm and Safe Wiltshire on 0800 038 5722.
- Providing financial assistance to elderly residents affected by food poverty and rural isolation who are registered for Age UK's warm meals service; for further information contact Age UK Community Meals on 01793 279606
- Providing fuel poverty support for those most in need - for households of working age earning less than the Real Living Wage and suffering with isolation, anxiety and mental health or from a hard-to-reach community like visually impaired, hard of hearing and the Boater and Travellers. Eligible residents can contact Warm and Safe Wiltshire on 0800 038 5722 or email (opens new window) or visit Warm and Safe webpage (opens new window).
The council website contains further details of the scheme and payments as well as information on alternative sources of support available to residents. This includes the Local Welfare Provision which is an existing scheme that provides critical short-term assistance to those in crisis and in receipt of welfare benefits.
More information about the Household Support Grant.
If people do not have internet access and have no family member, friend or neighbour that can assist, they can contact the council by phone on 0300 456 0100 who will be able to view the information for them.
Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said:
We welcome this extra support as we're expecting winter to be a challenging time for some of our residents, so we hope this can ease the pressure they may be feeling
We're pleased to be working with local organisations to help get this money out to those who need it most, and we hope it gives those eligible a little bit of comfort and peace of mind.
The Wellbeing Hub at Wiltshire Council remains available in order to provide support and signposting for all residents across Wiltshire, as part of the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The hub can be contacted by telephoning 0300 003 4576 or via e mail at (opens new window).
The hub opening times are Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm.
On Saturdays people can contact the Wellbeing Hub through the council's Emergency Duty Service by telephoning 0300 456 0100 should an immediate response be required.
The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub has a team of trained staff who welcome enquiries, and can support you with information in relation to the interpretation of Government guidelines, current restrictions, travel, finance and hardship, local support, and the Voluntary Sector.