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Young people with SEND check out the many opportunities available post-16

Young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) from across Wiltshire checked out exciting options for the future at a special event last week.

Published 18 October 2022
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Young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) from across Wiltshire checked out exciting options for the future at a special event last week.

Wiltshire Council invited secondary schools and colleges from across the county to join the Growing Up and Moving On event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes to hear the many options they can consider post 16.

Speakers at the event included young people talking about their own experiences while a number of stall holders were available offering employment advice and discussing training and education opportunities.

There was also key information around support for independence, housing and transport.

Cllr Suzanne Wickham, Portfolio Holder for SEND said: It's really exciting for young people to come together at this event and speak to people who can help and support them to plan for their future. The most important thing is they start early considering all their options. Looking at the focus of young people at the event, we can clearly see how engaged they are, and this is a really positive step for them.

Tracy Robertson from Springfield Academy said: It's really important young people are able to see there is so much available for them. This event really showed them the opportunities beyond school, and they may not realise how much is out there for them.

Liz who is currently studying criminology and law and is also working as a therapist at Bath Spa spoke to young people about her own experiences. She said: It's important that young people hear from other young people. Coming here (to the event) gives them motivation and shows them what can be available after school.

Adela Grigore gave an employers perspective after she employed someone when she worked in the hotel industry. She said: My advice to employers is when you employ someone with SEND they are reliable and they will stay in the job. If you offer some help, they will be brilliant at doing the job.

Young people with SEND can find out about all the support available in a dedicated Growing up and moving on page. There is also a range of information on the Local Offer home website including the latest SEND newsletter with updates.

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