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Published 24 March 2023
Move to foster - new campaign to encourage more foster carers is launched
As clocks go forward this weekend Wiltshire Council will be launching a new drive to encourage more people to spring into action and foster with Wiltshire Council.
Published 20 March 2023
Wiltshire Council encourages experienced social workers back into the workplace during Social Work Week
Wiltshire Council social workers have been sharing their experiences of being a social worker and the benefits of working for the council as they celebrate Social Work Week.
Published 10 March 2023
Shared Lives carers help people regain the skills and confidence to return home from hospital
Wiltshire Council has launched a new support service to help people that are medically fit to leave hospital and continue their recovery in a safe environment while regaining the daily living skills and confidence they need to return to their own home.
Published 7 March 2023
LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week - Make the call to be a foster carer
Wiltshire Council needs an additional 30 foster carers this year to help provide homes for young people

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