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Published 31 January 2022
Best wishes for candidates as schools prepare for youth council elections
A total of 89 candidates from 21 schools and the local community are putting themselves forward
Published 25 January 2022
Cabinet to consider next steps for tackling climate change in Wiltshire
Wiltshire Council's Cabinet will look at the next steps for tackling climate change and improving the natural environment in the county.
Published 25 January 2022
Work starts to prepare the Salisbury River Park site
Initial work on the site of the Salisbury River Park project is due to start at the end of this month (January 2022)
Published 25 January 2022
Cabinet to consider extra investment for schools
The report to cabinet on 1 February will provide updates on current schemes and approval of £4.17m worth of new schemes
Published 10 January 2022
Young people studying outside of the Wiltshire Council area can apply for youth council community seats
Young people can get involved in local decision-making and have a say on funding for youth projects as part of a new democratic body being set up for Wiltshire.
Published 7 January 2022
Just a few days left to apply for a primary school place
Wiltshire residents are being reminded that there are just a few days left to apply for primary school places for September 2022 entry, for children starting school for the first time.
Published 6 January 2022
Salisbury resident prosecuted for fly-tipping
The resident appeared at Salisbury Magistrates Court on Tuesday 4 January and pleaded guilty to the fly-tipping offence

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