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Published 20 April 2022
Communities thanked for efforts to support Ukrainian refugees
Latest figures show more than 280 Wiltshire households have been matched with Ukrainian refugees as people fleeing the war-torn country start arriving in the county.
Published 12 April 2022
Funding awarded to History Centre to dig deep into gardening archives and support people's health and wellbeing
The Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre has been awarded £10,000 to showcase the history of gardening through archives, activities and events, and promote its positive impact on physical and mental wellbeing.
Published 8 April 2022
New climbing centre and skatepark in Chippenham
A brand-new climbing centre has opened in Chippenham, built by Chippenham Borough Lands Charity (CBLC) and run by The Climbing Academy (TCA), with funding from Wiltshire Council and Sports England.
Published 25 March 2022
Wiltshire Council staff concert raises over £1,500 for Disasters Emergency Ukraine Appeal
Wiltshire Council Singers, the council's staff choir, joined forces with The Keevil Singers to perform a fund raising concert for the people of Ukraine. They were joined by local Ukrainian singer Nicole Medin who sang two Ukrainian folk songs and joined the choirs in singing the Ukrainian national anthem.
Published 16 March 2022
Her Majesty The Queen's historic Platinum Jubilee
Residents of Wiltshire are being encouraged to get involved with Her Majesty The Queen's official Jubilee celebrations .
Published 15 March 2022
Council staff hold concert for Disasters Emergency Ukraine Appeal
Wiltshire Council Singers, the council's staff choir, is joining forces with The Keevil Singers to perform a concert to raise funds for the people of Ukraine.
Published 10 March 2022
Wiltshire Council provides City Hall update
Wiltshire Council has updated on its plans for City Hall when the venue is no longer required by the NHS
Published 8 March 2022
Residents invited to comment on two improvement projects in Salisbury City Centre
Wiltshire Council has unveiled the transformational projects that are proposed for Salisbury following the award of £9.4 million from Central Government through the Future High Streets Fund.
Published 1 March 2022
Wiltshire Council thanks people for the support shown to Ukraine
Thank you to everyone doing what they can for the people of Ukraine. We have collated some of the ways you can provide support
Published 22 February 2022
Take part in the Great British Spring Clean this March and April in Wiltshire
Wiltshire Council is encouraging local groups and organisations to take part in the Great British Spring Clean this year, from 25 March-10 April.

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