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Published 21 September 2021
Statement from Cllr Clewer following today's announcement by the Metropolitan Police
Following today's announcement by the Counter Terrorism Policing Network, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Clewer, has released the following statement.
Published 21 September 2021
Cabinet to consider spending £6m of Community Infrastructure Levy funding on expansion of Chippenham school
Cabinet will consider whether to release £8.75m of CIL funding for two education and environmental projects
Published 20 September 2021
Wiltshire Council urges communities to 'Step It Up' and help fight climate change this Recycle Week
The theme for this year's Recycle Week is 'Step it Up', which encourages people to make positive changes to recycle more to reduce carbon emissions
Published 15 September 2021
Essential repairs to Trowbridge's historic Town Hall
The work will take place from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and it's anticipated it will take around three months to complete
Published 7 September 2021
Market Trader prosecuted for fly tipping his business waste
A former Amesbury fruit and veg market trader has been successfully prosecuted by Wiltshire Council for fly tipping cardboard, plastic and rotting food waste and other environmental waste offences.
Published 3 September 2021
Wiltshire Council successful in Old Sarum Airfield legal battle
Wiltshire Council has won a legal case brought by Old Sarum Airfield Ltd over an alleged breach of contract regarding an unsuccessful planning application on the site.
Published 18 August 2021
Online content created by Wiltshire libraries during the pandemic reaches over 200,000 views
Library staff have used innovative approaches to continue providing online resources and group sessions during the pandemic, including rhyme times, story times, tea and chat sessions, book reviews, author talks and 'how to' guides
Published 5 August 2021
'Happy to Chat' benches to help promote mental wellness in Salisbury
Wiltshire Council's Salisbury Area Board and Salisbury City Council are working in partnership on a new project to tackle loneliness and improve the wellbeing of residents.
Published 3 August 2021
Council and Community First uniting to support young people feeling isolated
Five of Wiltshire Council's area boards are working together with a local charity to support and improve engagement with young people, particularly those who might feel isolated due to living in a rural area.
Published 16 July 2021
Council outlines the impact on leisure centres, libraries and history centre as step 4 commences
With step 4 getting underway, council services will have measures in place to keep people safe

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