Council payments
The data published below is made public under the Open Government Licence, which encourages the 'use and re-use of the Information that is available under this licence freely and flexibly'. Please read and agree to the Open Government Licence (opens new window) before making use of the data.
Where a dataset has been updated, or revised to correct administrative error, a second version is published and the original will remain available.
Generating system | Update frequency |
Oracle | Monthly |
Supplier names and postcodes that are considered personal and/or sensitive data are removed, and replaced with the text 'REDACTED PERSONAL DATA'. This data relates to individuals who provide services such as foster care, adoption, individual placements for vulnerable adults or children, and where it is felt that publishing this data could jeopardise the service and/or individuals involved. The payment data is therefore supplied in this anonymised format to provide a full picture of the payments made in the period.
In line with government guidelines, payments are excluded from the dataset where they are not for the supply of a service, product or grant paid for by the council.
Examples of excluded payments are: adults receiving direct payments, carers of both children and adults, housing benefits, council tax refunds, non-domestic rates refunds, refunds for services delivered by the council, deductions made from salaries, pensions payments, schools payments, parish precept, VAT.
2024 - 2025
File | Month | Year |
2024-04-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | April | 2024 |
2024-05-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | May | 2024 |
2024-06-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | June | 2024 |
2024-07-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | July | 2024 |
2024-08-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | August | 2024 |
2024-09-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | September | 2024 |
2024-10-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | October | 2024 |
2024-11-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | November | 2024 |
2024-12-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | December | 2024 |
2025-01-wiltshire-payments (Excel doc, 1 MB)(opens new window) | January | 2025 |
Spreadsheet will be uploaded in relevant month | February | 2025 |
Spreadsheet will be uploaded in relevant month | March | 2025 |
Late payment directive
The Late Payment Directive refers to the Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (opens new window), the The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002 (opens new window) and the The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013 (opens new window).
Below are tables showing the percentage of invoices not paid within 30 days in the relevant financial years.
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
91% | £0 | £2,441,785.95 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
93% | £0 | £1,985,292.29 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
91% | £0 | £1,918,343.25 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
93% | £0 | £1,441,277.23 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
85% | £0 | £1,164,747.66 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
79% | £0 | £663,528.12 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest Paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
79% | £0 | £579,482.51 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
78% | £0 | £600,899.36 |
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days | Interest paid to suppliers | Interest, whether or not claimed, liable to be paid to suppliers |
80% | £0 | £539,281.33 |
Finance - Corporate
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JD