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Do I need planning permission?

There are certain types of development, changes of use, and minor works, that can be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission. These types of work or development are known as 'Permitted Development'.

Permitted development rights allow householders to improve and extend their homes without the need to apply for planning permission.

Whether you need to apply for planning permission will depend on a number of factors. These include:

  • what you want to do
  • where you want to do it
  • the constraints on, and around, the site or property
  • planning history at the site or property

Further information on what works are considered permitted development can be found at:

Regulations 75, 76 and 77 of the Habitats Regulations and their relevance to 'permitted development'

Regulation 75 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations states that it is a condition of any planning permission granted by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order made on or after 30 November 2017 that development which is likely to have a significant effect on a European site or a European offshore marine site (either alone or in combination with other plans or projects), and which is not directly connected with or necessary to the management of the site, must not be begun until the developer has received written notification of the approval of the local planning authority under Regulation 77. More information relating to Regulation 77 applications can be found on the Planning permission page.

Removal of permitted development rights

It is important to note that a local planning authority is allowed to remove the above permitted development rights in some, or all, of its areas via:

  • an Article 4 direction 
  • a planning condition attached to the original or subsequent planning permission on the property

Where permitted development rights have been removed in either of these ways, a planning application may be needed for the development.

It is vital to check if you will need planning permission for your proposed development.

Ask us to confirm if you need permission

If you would like an officer's informal decision as to whether planning permission (including for any change of use) or listed building consent is required for your project, complete the Do I need planning permission (PDF, 412 KB)(opens new window) form. This will need to be submitted along with a processing fee, the cost of which can be found on 'Current pre-application advice charges'.

Your completed form can be sent by email to (opens new window), and payment can be made online (opens new window).

Alternatively, a hard copy of the form can be posted to the address given on the form. We aim to give you a response within 15 working days.

This service is only to be used for works which have not yet taken place, see the section below for information on 'Where works have already taken place'.

Check for yourself if you need planning permission

There are three sets of checks that you, or your planning agent, will need to complete. These are as follows:

  1. national regulations - these websites have comprehensive guidance on the regulations about what changes count as permitted development, and what proposals will need planning permission:
  2. local planning constraints - these deal with things like listed buildings, conservation areas and tree protection orders. You can view the planning constraints which apply to your site and property on our interactive map Wiltshire Planning Explorer ( (opens new window)
  3. permitted development rights check - to check if permitted development rights have been removed, you will need to email (opens new window) to request a permitted development rights check including the relevant property address and postcode

A permitted development rights check will not provide you with a view as to whether permission will be required. If you require this service you will need to submit a 'do I need planning permission' enquiry as detailed above.

Siting a caravan

A formal assessment as to whether your proposal will require planning permission will need to be assessed via an application for a certificate of lawfulness, and cannot be dealt with via the 'do I need planning' procedure. This can be applied for online at Planning Portal: Applications (opens new window).

Dropped kerb

All enquiries relating to dropped kerb applications should be made to the Vehicle Access Team who can also send you an application pack. To contact the vehicle access team, call 01225 713352 or email (opens new window) with your enquiry.

Further information regarding the application process may be found at Streets and street scene.

Where works have already taken place

If works have already been undertaken without planning permission, you may submit a retrospective planning application via the Planning Portal. However, this does not mean that you will automatically be granted permission for the works. We will treat your application as we do any other new planning application. The fact that work has already been carried out will not influence our subsequent decision.

Alternatively, if you wish to establish whether the use or development undertaken is lawful, you may submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate (Existing). For more information see Guidance - Lawful development certificates (GOV.UK) (opens new window).

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