Building control - application forms
High risk buildings applications
From 1 October 2023, building control applications for buildings that meet the high-risk definition can only be submitted online. Go to (opens new window), submit online via: GOV.UK: Guidance - Manage a building control application for a higher-risk building (opens new window).
For more information on this change visit Health and Safety Executive: Building Safety Regulator. Go to (opens new window).
You can make a full plans application for any type of building work but must always be submitted for works on commercial buildings, schools, shops, offices, railway premises, factories and hotels.
Apply over the telephone
Contact us to apply on 0300 456 0113.
If you would prefer to apply by email or post, our application forms are shown below.
For information about how much your application will cost, call us on 0300 456 0113 for a competitive quote.
Use our online service civicaepay: Pay for my Building Regulations Application (opens new window)
Application forms
Please select the relevant form for Full Plans or Building Notice submissions.
Full Plans Building Control Application Form (OpenDocument text format, 848 KB)(opens new window)
Building Notice Application Form (OpenDocument text format, 837 KB)(opens new window)
Regularisation Applications
A Regularisation application is to assess whether works already carried out can be signed off, as complying with the Building Regulations, retrospectively. Applications are viewed on a case by case basis, so please call us on 0300 456 0113 where a member of the team will be able to advise and give a fee quote. Please note, any works carried out before 11th November 1985 cannot be regularised.
Not all demolition work requires a demolition notice to be submitted to local authority building control. Please contact us to check if your project requires a demolition notice to be submitted.
For demolitions, requiring a demolition notice you'll need to submit a demolition application using the below form.
Demolition form (PDF, 130 KB)(opens new window)
Exempt building works
Certain domestic building are exempt from control under the Building Regulations.
In order for us to decide whether a submission is required, please complete either the download or online form with as much detail as possible.
This form is not a building regulation application.