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Report a matter to Planning Enforcement

The local authority has a dedicated enforcement team whose job it is to deal with enquiries about breaches of planning control, and to resolve cases through formal and informal enforcement action as necessary.

The council's enforcement team deals with around 1,000 enquiries countywide every year. For more information please read the 'Guide to planning enforcement' leaflet in the downloads section.

Common breaches of planning control

The most common breaches of planning control are where:

  • a building is erected, extended or altered without planning permission
  • work is carried out which does not comply with approved plans
  • a condition imposed on a planning permission is not complied with
  • an unauthorised change of use of a building or land, such as the use of a residential property for business use

Alterations to historic buildings, display of signs, works to protected trees and untidy land may also result in breaches of planning-related legislation.

If individuals carry out unauthorised works, for example where there has been an irretrievable loss of historic buildings, valuable protected trees, or there is continued non-compliance after formal action, the person responsible may be prosecuted.

Making an enquiry

If you feel a breach has occurred and would like the enforcement team to investigate, please complete the form at the bottom of this page and email it to (opens new window).

In your complaint please include as much of the following as possible:

  • when activities started
  • site address
  • approximate dimensions of any building works
  • names, addresses and telephone numbers of any owners, occupiers or builders involved
  • details of any amenity problems caused such as noise or traffic smells
  • in the case of possible unauthorised use, the frequency of the activity and the hours of operation
  • your details are required so the team can inform you of the outcome of the enquiry, and in case they need to ask you for further information later. Enquiries about alleged breaches of planning control will be treated confidentially within the council so far as is practicable.
  • your personal details are required so the team can inform you of the outcome and request any further information from you as necessary. Your submission about alleged breaches will be treated as confidential within the council as so far is possible

When an alleged breach is reported, or suspected, the site will be inspected and relevant information will be sought to identify whether there is a breach. If a breach is identified, the person responsible will be informed of the issue and what action is required. Unless there is serious and immediate ongoing harm to the environment, highway safety, or neighbours, the person responsible will be given an opportunity resolve the breach before commencement of formal action.

Formal enforcement action can be a lengthy process. In the event that we do issue a formal notice, the person responsible is given time to comply. They can also appeal to the Planning Inspectorate who can suspend the action. If the appeal is upheld, further time is allowed for compliance.

The team aims to keep you updated on the progress of your enquiry at key stages during the process.

For more information, see our adopted 'Planning Enforcement Strategy' in the downloads section.

Make an enforcement enquiry (PDF, 76 KB)(opens new window)

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