Listed buildings
A listed building will be included on the 'List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest' created by English Heritage and approved by the Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) (opens new window), under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (opens new window).
The protection covers the interior and exterior of the property. Any object or structure fixed to the building and any object or structure within the curtilage (land) of the building which, although not fixed to the building, forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, are also treated as part of the listed building.
The list of historic buildings includes a description of each entry. List descriptions are not intended to provide a comprehensive or exclusive record of all features of importance and the amount of information available varies significantly. If a feature isn't included in the description, this doesn't mean that it is not of interest or that it can be removed or altered without consent.
Grading can be changed where re-evaluation takes place after damage or alteration, or as more evidence of a building's history or architectural quality comes to light. The statutory controls on alterations apply equally to all listed buildings whatever the grade.
There are three categories of listed buildings:
- Grade I - buildings are of exceptional interest (less than 2.5% of the national total)
- Grade II* - particularly important buildings (less than 5.5% of the national total)
- Grade II - buildings are of special importance (over 92% of the national total)
English Heritage are responsible for maintaining the list. Many old buildings and recent buildings are interesting, but listing identifies only those which are of national 'special interest'.
Buildings and structures of special interest vary significantly. English Heritage has created twenty broad categories within the list ranging from agriculture to the utilities.
There are selection guides available explaining what English Heritage are looking for when they assess applications for inclusion on the list. They also include historical overviews, special considerations for listing and bibliographies.
Guides and selection criteria can be found on the Historic England Selection criteria (opens new window) website.
When a building is added to the statutory list, the owner and/or occupier is notified. Listed building status is also shown in the local search when buying a property.
If you are unsure whether your building is listed, you can check the National Heritage List for England (opens new window) or use our search planning applications page.
If you would like to have a building considered for listing or de-listing, you can submit an application form to English Heritage. Further information on listed buildings, including the guidance notes explaining how to complete the application form, can be found on Historic England - listed buildings (opens new window). You don't need to be the owner of a building to make a request for listing/de-listing.
English Heritage assesses buildings put forward for listing or de-listing and provides advice to the Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) (opens new window) on the architectural and historic interest. The Secretary of State, who is free to seek additional advice from others, then decides whether to list or de-list the building.
The DCMS does not normally consider a request for de-listing when:
- there is a current application for listed building consent relating to the building
- there is an appeal against refusal of consent
- any legal action is being taken by the local authority
Any request for a listing review should be accompanied by:
- justification for adding (or deleting) a building
- location plan
- clear up-to-date photographs
- any other historical information on the building
There is no requirement to consult the owners before a building is listed. However, unless an inspector is aware of a specific threat, they will contact the owner or leave a visiting card. There is also no right of appeal against a listing and no right to compensation for loss of redevelopment opportunities.
Any works to a listed building that affects its special architectural and historic interest will require listed building consent from the planning authority.
Regular maintenance and minor 'like-for-like' repairs won't usually require listed building consent, as long as the repairs don't include removal of historic material or changes to its character. Many large-scale repairs, for example structural roof repairs, substantial re-pointing or external cleaning, require consent. Painting of exterior walls may also require consent if the walls were previously unpainted or if a significant colour change is planned that would affect the building's character.
Internal refurbishment or alterations require consent if they include:
- removal of historic fabric such as doors
- fireplaces
- panelling or plaster
- replacement of external doors or windows
However, internal repainting or redecoration of previously decorated surfaces or the replacement of modern bathroom or kitchen fittings, don't normally require consent. Further information can be found in the Historic England's publication of Listed Building Consent (opens new window).
Churches and chapels are often listed. If they belong to one of the six denominations listed below and are in active use for worship, they will have ecclesiastical exemption. This means listed building consent isn't necessary. However, they are required to consult with the local planning authority for any works or alterations to the church or chapel. Evidence of this consultation must be provided when applications for a faculty are made.
Baptist Union (opens new window)
Church of England (opens new window)
The Church in Wales (opens new window)
Methodist Church (opens new window)
Roman Catholic: Historic Churches (opens new window)
United Reformed Church (opens new window)
Any extensions or alterations which affect the external appearance or silhouette of the building, for example addition of grills to protect windows, will require planning permission regardless of denomination.
Historical information may be available at Wiltshire County Record Office the local library or your civic society.
If you are unsure, please seek pre-application advice.
We strongly recommend that you submit your application via the Planning Portal (opens new window).
Altering or demolishing a listed building without listed building consent is a criminal offence and can carry heavy penalties including a fine or imprisonment. Works carried out must be specifically authorised. It is an offence to breach of any conditions that are attached to a listed building consent.
Before starting any works of repair, or alteration to a listed building please make sure that your builder/contractor is aware that the building is listed. They should also be given a copy of the plans, any listed building consent conditions, the specifications and any grant conditions that may apply.
If an owner doesn't preserve a listed building, the local planning authority may take action to secure the building's future. The local authority may carry out urgent works to preserve an empty listed building from getting worse. The cost of this is recovered from the owner. The authority can also serve a 'repairs notice' that specifies the works necessary to preserve the building. If these works are not carried out within a reasonable timescale, the local authority may look to purchase the property.
Unfortunately there are currently no Wiltshire Council grant schemes available for listed buildings.
Historic England offer grants for 'outstanding' listed buildings but normally only Grade I and II* structures would be eligible. Please go to Historic England Grants (opens new window).
There is no legal provision for carrying out emergency works to a listed building without applying for consent. However, in urgent situations it would be a defence in the case of any subsequent prosecution to be able to prove all of the following:
- that the works were urgently necessary in the interest of health and safety or to preserve the building
- it was not practical to secure public safety or health or preserve the building by works of repair or temporary support or shelter
- that the work was limited to the minimum measures immediately necessary
- that notice in writing justifying the work in detail was given to the local authority as soon as possible
Government policy regarding the historic environment is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (PDF, 593 KB)(opens new window).
The Council's policy regarding the historic environment is set out in the Wiltshire Core Strategy.
Maintaining our heritage assets and considering the environmental challenge can be daunting and we need to consider how we can best use and future proof our historic buildings, many of them in domestic use.
Every building is different but whilst most modern buildings depend on impermeable barriers to control the movement of moisture and air through the building fabric, traditional forms of building construction function differently, taking up moisture from their surroundings and releasing it according to environmental conditions.
The unintended consequences of getting energy efficiency measures wrong (or doing them badly) can include harm to heritage values and significance, harm to human health and building fabric, and failure to achieve the predicted savings or reductions in environmental impact. Adapting historic buildings for the future for energy efficiency is a challenge and no one size fits all approach will work.
Getting the balance right (and avoiding unintended consequences) is best done by adopting a 'whole building' approach based on a full understanding of a building to ensure that energy-efficiency measures are suitable, robust, well integrated, properly coordinated and sustainable.
Improving the energy efficiency of an older building can be done sympathetically and without compromising its historic character. Historic England's web pages (opens new window) provide guidance as to how to go about it, including downloadable practical guidance on draught-proofing, insulation and ways of generating your own energy.
To discuss proposals relating to your property please seek pre-application advice.
Conservation officer contact details
Email: (opens new window)
Call: 0300 456 0114
Pre-application advice
We offer a pre-application advice service to anyone wanting help with listed building consent before the submission of an application. This is a chargeable service, more information can be found on the pre-application advice page.