Planning policy
Planning policy is used to help determine planning applications, guiding what can be built, where, and how. It is also used to plan for future needs, assessing what change is likely to happen and where, and what policies are needed to achieve this.
Latest news and information
The latest news, and further information about planning policy, is provided below.
Development Plan
Development Plan documents act as a critical tool in guiding decisions about individual development proposals, acting as the starting-point for considering whether applications can be approved.
In Wiltshire, the Development Plan includes the Wiltshire Core Strategy incorporating saved policies from district local plans, Chippenham Site Allocations Plan, Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan, Minerals and Waste Plans and made Neighbourhood Plans.
Chippenham Site Allocations Plan
Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan
Emerging Plans
A number of plans are currently in preparation, you can find information on the latest progress of these plans through the links below.
Other Planning Documents & Information
Within this section you will find information on a range of other documents that are produced by Wiltshire Council along with useful information including: