Chippenham Site Allocations Plan
Adoption of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan
Following Cabinet on 14 March 2017 (opens new window) the adoption of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan was approved by Council on 16 May 2017 (opens new window).
For information, documents relating to the adoption of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan can be found below:
- Chippenham Site Allocations Plan Adopted May 2017 (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window)
- Chippenham Site Allocations Plan Adoption Statement (PDF, 37 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- Inspectors Report (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
- Final Main Modifications (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
- Proposed changes to Policy Maps (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
The final Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitats Regulation Assessment can be found by visiting the Chippenham Sustainability Appraisal section below.
The Chippenham Site Allocations Plan sets out the long term pattern and direction of growth for the town's expansion. Its main purpose is to identify strategic mixed use sites for businesses, new homes and the infrastructure necessary to support them.
The Wiltshire Core Strategy (WCS) was adopted on 20 January 2015. The WCS sets the overall strategy and scale of growth proposed at Chippenham but does not allocate any specific strategic sites.
The Chippenham Site Allocations Plan identifies which strategic sites will best support the town's future and are the most environmentally appropriate.
Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment
A Sustainability Appraisal Report has been published in stages alongside the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan. The Final SA Report comprises a suite of documents which cover the different stages of the plan making process and can be found in the relevant section below.
The Chippenham Site Allocations Plan has been screened for Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). The HRA screening concluded that no further assessment under Habitats Regulations was required as the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan is unlikely to have a significant effect on the integrity of European sites (Natura 2000). At stages in the Plan's preparation the HRA has been reviewed to consider proposed changes to the Plan. The Final HRA therefore comprises three documents that can be found in the relevant section below.
- Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (PDF, 37 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Note of Inspectors Modifications (May 2017) (PDF, 552 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal non-technical summary (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part One A: Chapters 1-6 (May 2016) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part One B: A Review of the Sustainability Appraisal of Strategic Areas (May 2016) (PDF, 366 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part One B: Strategic Areas Appendix A part one (May 2016) (PDF, 15 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part One B: Strategic Areas Appendix A part two (May 2016) (PDF, 13 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part One B: Strategic Areas Appendix B (May 2016) (PDF, 541 KB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum 1: SA of Strategic Site Options (Part Two; May 2016) (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum 2: SA of Reasonable Alternative Development Strategies Part Three; May 2016) (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report Part Four Proposed Modifications (May 2016) (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
- Sustainability Appraisal Note of Further Modifications; Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal Report (October 2016) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is a process that is carried out as an integral part of developing the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan, with the aim of promoting sustainable development through the integration of social, environmental and economic considerations. It is a requirement of national and European legislation and is subject to the same level of public consultation and scrutiny as the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan.
This work has been carried out independently to the council so there is a second, objective view on the choices involved. The process is explained below.
Stage A: Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline and deciding on the scope
Stage A of the Sustainability Appraisal process has been completed in the form of a Scoping Report. This stage sets the context and objectives, establishes the baseline and decides on the scope. It is a requirement at this stage to consult the statutory consultation bodies on the scope of the Sustainability Appraisal report.
A Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping and Framework (PDF, 965 KB)(opens new window) was prepared and consultation commenced on 12 May 2014. The consultation period ran for the required 5 weeks, and finished on the 16 June 2014. The responses received during this consultation period were taken into account to create the Final Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and Framework (PDF, 965 KB)(opens new window) in August 2014. Appendix D explains the changes made.
The Sustainability Appraisal Framework is the conclusion of the Scoping Report and establishes SA objectives and decision aiding questions to help assess the environmental, social and economic effects of the proposed zones and areas. Applying the framework will inform decisions on which is the most appropriate option to include in the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan.
Stage B: Developing and refining alternatives and assessing effect
The SA Framework was used to carry out an SA of the five strategic areas identified in the Wiltshire Core Strategy and their suitability to accommodate change. Once the assessment of strategic areas had been completed, reasonable alternative site options were created and then assessed using the SA Framework. At a later stage in plan making reasonable alternative development strategies were assessed using the SA Framework which were informed by the outcome of the assessment of reasonable alternative strategic areas and reasonable alternative strategic sites.
The SA of the reasonable alternatives in relation to strategic areas and strategic sites is discussed in the main Sustainability Appraisal Report (see Part One B, Part Two (including addendum 1) and Part Three (including addendum 1) of the SA Report).
Stage C: Prepare the sustainability appraisal report
A SA Report has been published alongside the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan to explain how each strategic area, strategic site option, alternative development strategy and proposed policy areas were assessed, as well as the conclusions reached.
The Final SA Report therefore comprises a suite of documents which cover the different stages of the plan making process.
Stage D: Seek representations on the sustainability appraisal report from consultation bodies and the public
Throughout the process the Chippenham Site Allocations Pre-submission Sustainability Appraisal Report has been made available to view. During the periods of consultation on the CSA Plan, the SA was available alongside for comment.
These periods of consultation included the consultation on the draft Sustainability Appraisal which took place alongside the pre-submission draft of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan from February - April 2015 and consultation on the revised methodology and SA Report after the suspension of the examination which took place May - June 2016.
Chippenham Examination
Patrick Whitehead DipTP MRTPI was appointed by the Secretary of State to hold the Examination.
Programme Officer
Helen Wilson was the Programme Officer, an impartial officer of the Examination and works under the direction of the Inspector.
Document Library
To view Wiltshire Council's Chippenham Site Allocations Plan Document Library, please use this link (opens new window).
- EX1 Initial Appraisal by the Inspector, 14 September 2015 (PDF, 109 KB)(opens new window)
- EX1a Draft Programme of Events (PDF, 42 KB)(opens new window)
- EX2 Response by the Council to the Inspector's Initial Appraisal, 28 September 2015 (PDF, 406 KB)(opens new window)
- EX2a Appendix 1: Proposed Examination Changes For Clarity (PDF, 18 KB)(opens new window)
- EX3 Interim list of Matters and Issues, 28 September 2015 (PDF, 118 KB)(opens new window)
- EX4 Inspector's Guidance Notes, 28 September 2015 (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)
- EX5 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 5 October 2015 (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)
- EX6 Draft Hearings Programme, 13 October 2015 (PDF, 143 KB)(opens new window)
- EX6a Final Hearings Programme, 30 October 2015 (PDF, 126 KB)(opens new window)
- EX7 Response by the Council to the Inspector's letter of 5 October 2015 (PDF, 72 KB)(opens new window)
- EX8 Letter from the Council to the Inspector, 28 October 2015 regarding his consideration of proposed Main Modifications (PDF, 86 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/9 Changes suggested by the Council during the Examination period, Version 1, 28 October 2015 (PDF, 258 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/10 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 16 November 2015, setting out his reasons for suggesting a suspension of the examination (PDF, 118 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/11 Further letter from the Inspector to the Council, 30 November 2015 (PDF, 120 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/12 Letter of response from the Council to the Inspector, 4 December 2015 (PDF, 176 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/12a Appendix 1 - Schedule of work (PDF, 74 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/12b Appendix 2 - Timeline for schedule of work (PDF, 33 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/13 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 9 December 2015 (PDF, 88 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/14 Letter dated 4 January 2016 from the Programme Officer to all respondents regarding the meeting between the Inspector and the Council (PDF, 25 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/15 Agenda for the Progress Meeting Following Suspension of the Examination (PDF, 66 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/15a Notes of the Progress Meeting Following Suspension of the Examination, held on 21 January 2016 (PDF, 270 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/16 Letter dated 18 March 2016 from the Council to the Inspector updating him on progress on the additional work (PDF, 152 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/16a Letter of response from the Inspector to the Council, 23 March 2016 (PDF, 85 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/17 Letter dated 5 August 2016 from the Inspector to the Council (PDF, 144 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/17a Letter dated 16 August 2016 from the Council to the Inspector in response to EX/17 (PDF, 136 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/17b Letter of response from the Inspector to the Council dated 19 August 2016 to EX/17a (PDF, 151 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/18 Resumed Matters and Issues (Draft), August 2016 (PDF, 213 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/18a Resumed Matters and Issues (Final), September 2016 (PDF, 208 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/19 Resumed Timetable (Draft), August 2016 (PDF, 140 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/19a Resumed Timetable (Final), September 2016 (PDF, 140 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/20 Update by the Council on Planning Applications, September 2016 (PDF, 34 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/21 Schedule of accompanied site visits to be undertaken by the Inspector (PDF, 265 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/22 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 21 September 2016, regarding Rawlings Green (PDF, 126 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/22a Letter in response from the Council to the Inspector, 21 September 2016, regarding Rawlings Green (PDF, 83 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/23 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 12 October 2016, regarding policy CH2 (PDF, 174 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/23a Letter of response from the Council to the Inspector, dated 28 October 2016 (PDF, 87 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/24 Letter from the Inspector to the Council, 4 January 2017 (PDF, 184 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/24a Letter of response from the Council to the Inspector,13 January 2017 (PDF, 213 KB)(opens new window)
- EX/24b Email response on behalf of the Inspector to the Council to EX/24a, 16 January 2017 (PDF, 240 KB)(opens new window)
Chippenham community engagement
An important part of developing the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan was to engage with the local community and wider stakeholders and listen to the views they expressed. Throughout the plan's preparation outputs from consultation and engagement were reported and these can be found below.
In October 2016 the Council consulted on a list of Proposed Further Modifications that had arisen:
- In response to comments received as part of the consultation on the Proposed Modifications in May 2016
- During and as a consequence of discussions at the Hearings held between 27 September and 4 October 2016
- In Statements of Common Ground between the council and key stakeholders, and
- As a result of the Sustainability Appraisal of the Proposed Further Modifications
85 separate comments on the Proposed Further Modifications to the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan (CSAP) were received from 42 contributing consultees. The document below provides a summary of the process of consultation and the consultation responses. It highlights new issues that have been raised.
The draft Chippenham Site Allocations Plan, a formal Development Plan Document, was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 31 July 2015 for Examination. The Examination was suspended in November 2015 to enable Wiltshire Council to undertake a Schedule of Work to respond to concerns raised by the Inspector appointed to examine the Plan. The Schedule of Work is complete and as a result, changes to the draft Chippenham Site Allocations Plan are proposed.
Wiltshire Council consulted on Proposed Modifications to the draft Chippenham Site Allocations Plan and a revised Sustainability Appraisal Report from Monday 23 May until 5pm Tuesday 5 July 2016.
During the consultation 184 separate comments on the Proposed Modifications to the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan (CSAP) have been received from 88 contributing consultees. A report was created summarising the responses; it highlights new issues that have been raised and officers have provided the Council's initial response.
A public meeting was held at the Neeld Hall in Chippenham on Tuesday 7 June 2016 about the completed Schedule of Work and Proposed Modifications. This was open for all to attend and a copy of the presentation can be found using this link (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window) Approximately 60 people attended.
The Chippenham Site Allocations Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 31 July 2015.
Further information on the examination and any further periods of consultation can be found on this webpage.
Prior to submission, a draft of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan was consulted on for 6 weeks between Monday 23 February and Wednesday 8 April 2015. Comments were invited on the soundness of the Plan. 585 comments were received from 336 respondents.
This document was prepared for consideration at the Cabinet meeting that took place on 10 February 2015 and discussed the early consultation that took place.
- Consultation Statement on Early Community Engagement, February 2015 (PDF, 18 MB)(opens new window)
- Annex A - Chippenham Site Allocations Plan: Regulation 18 Report (PDF, 13 MB)(opens new window), Wiltshire Council, December 2014
- Annex B - Chippenham Site Allocations Plan: Report of meetings (PDF, 959 KB)(opens new window) - community and developer meetings, Wiltshire Council, April 2014
- Annex C - Chippenham Site Allocations Plan: SSAF consultation report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window), Wiltshire Council, December 2014
- Annex D - Chippenham Site Allocations Plan: Report of Neeld Hall event on 16 June 2014, (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) Wiltshire Council
- Annex E - Chippenham Site Allocations Plan: Report on the Chippenham settlement boundary review consultation (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window), Informal consultation with town and parish councils, Report of Consultation, Wiltshire Council, January 2015
The Chippenham settlement boundary, referred to as Limits of Development in Core Policy 2 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, is an important element of the development strategy for Chippenham. It essentially relates to the built-up area of the town and provides a planning policy boundary to define the edge of the countryside and the extent of the built-up area. An up-to-date boundary is important for the application of many core strategy policies. Development and advances in digital mapping since the settlement boundaries were originally drawn means that in some locations the boundary as currently drawn no longer accurately relates to the built-up area of the town. As part of the preparation of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan the settlement boundary for the town was reviewed.
An informal consultation with Town and Parish Councils on proposed revisions to the settlement boundary took place from 25 July until 22 September 2014.
The Chippenham Settlement Boundary Review consultation was separate from, but ran alongside, a wider consultation on settlement boundaries.
The purpose of the Chippenham Strategic Sites Assessment Framework is to set out in more detail how each of these criteria in core policy 10 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy will be used to assess a locations suitability for development. It lists a set of indicators by which an area or site should be measured, the rationale explaining why it is included and what evidence will be used to describe how well a site or area performs against that measure.
Between 2 and 30 June 2014, comments were invited on a consultation draft of the Chippenham Strategic Sites Assessment Framework, which sets out in more detail how each of the Core Policy 10 criteria will be used. It lists a set of indicators by which an area or site should be measured, the rationale explaining why it is included and what evidence will be used to describe how well a site or area performs against that measure.
The draft Framework was developed from discussions with local community representatives and developers in April 2014 (see below), notes and outcomes of meetings held as part of the core strategy process in 2010/11 (see below) and discussions with internal specialist officers of the council (e.g. in relation to education, transport and landscape impact). This informal consultation was an opportunity for wider community and stakeholder input to the process. In addition, a special meeting of the Chippenham Area Board was arranged to explain progress on the plan and discuss the next steps for the plan's preparation. This open public meeting was held on 16 June 2014 at the Neeld Hall in Chippenham.
A total of 32 comments were received during the informal consultation period, which helped to refine the final Chippenham Strategic Sites Assessment Framework.
This public meeting was convened by the Chippenham Area Board to hear about development planning for the Chippenham community area. It included an explanation of the role and preparation of the Chippenham Site Allocations Plan. All those individuals and organisations who had commented previously on earlier planning policy documents relating to Chippenham were informed of the event. It was also advertised through the Chippenham, Corsham and Calne Area Board networks, Wiltshire Council's Parish newsletter and at Wiltshire Council's Monkton Park office.
The meeting took place from 7.15pm until 9pm at Neeld Hall, Chippenham on 16th June 2014. Below is a record of the presentation made at the meeting and the issues raised in the discussion that followed. Approximately 110 people attended.
Representatives of Parish and Town Councils in the Plan area along with other community bodies plus prospective developers were invited to meetings in order to hear how the council propose to prepare the Plan. Each group was asked about how the council should go about selecting strategic sites, what makes for good development and how to compare the suitability of one area to another.
Material from the meetings and notes of the discussion are available below. The meetings helped the council to prepare an initial draft strategic site assessment framework, which was then developed further by taking into consideration the considerable amount of feedback, largely from local community interests, for the preparation of the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the Chippenham Vision.
Comments were invited on the scope of the Plan (Regulation 18 consultation during a six-week consultation period between Monday 24 March 2014 and Monday 5 May 2014 (inclusive). A total of 21 responses were received during this consultation period. A report on this consultation has been prepared.
The key outcomes from this consultation were:
Revisions to the proposed plan area to focus on Chippenham and its environs, and
A series of briefing notes to provide background information on a number of recurring questions about the content of the plan and the process for preparing the plan.
- Briefing Note 1 - Chippenham Strategic Site Selection Methodology (PDF, 323 KB)(opens new window)
- Briefing Note 2 - Definition of the Chippenham Strategic Areas (updated below) (PDF, 459 KB)(opens new window)
- Briefing Note 2: Definition of the Chippenham Strategic Areas (updated January 2015) (PDF, 492 KB)(opens new window)
- Briefing Note 3 - The Housing Requirement for Chippenham (PDF, 558 KB)(opens new window)
- Briefing Note 4 - Relationship with Neighbourhood Plans (PDF, 407 KB)(opens new window)
- Briefing Note 5 - The Role of Strategic Sites (PDF, 368 KB)(opens new window)
The Chippenham Site Allocations Plan will draw on the wealth of information gathered about the town through consultation on the Wiltshire Core Strategy. Two community consultation events specifically focused on Chippenham's future and are the main sources for local ideas about the future of the town as a whole. These were a visioning event chaired by the Homes and Communities Agency in 2010 and a follow-up event in 2011.