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Pre-application advice

We offer a pre-application advice service to anyone wanting help with a development before the submission of a planning application.

The aim of our pre-application service is to provide responsive, consistent, and timely advice that de-risks the application process and reduces the time taken to deal with your application through the formal-decision making stage.

This service is now available for householder enquiries. Householder applications are defined as the following:

  • an application for planning permission for development to an existing dwelling house, such as a house extension, or within the curtilage of an existing dwelling house for any incidental use such as a garden building or garage
  • an application for planning permission in relation to the above where normal permitted development rights have been removed through a condition of a planning permission or local development order
  • applications for a change of use to residential use are not covered in the above definition and can still be submitted for pre application consideration and advice

Advice on the discharge of conditions or non-material amendments will also not fall under the definition of householder for these purposes.

You are advised that if you are a householder considering proposed works you should use the advice provided on the Planning Portal ( (opens new window) in the first instance for guidance on when planning permission will be required.

Frequently asked questions

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