Drug and alcohol use
Information on treatment and recovery services for people who use alcohol and/or drugs, and advice and support for those who are affected by it.
Where to get help in Wiltshire
Connect Wiltshire
Connect Wiltshire Substance Use service provides free and confidential support for Wiltshire residents of any age, whether you need help with your own or someone else's drug and/or alcohol use.
Connect Wiltshire (turning-point.co.uk) (opens new window)
Families Out Loud
Families Out Loud (familiesoutloud.org) (opens new window) - support for families of addicts in Wiltshire - a charity working with families challenged by someone else's drug and alcohol dependency, supporting them to bravely build a better life.
Shout (giveusashout.org) (opens new window), or text 'WILTS' to 85258 - free and confidential 24/7 mental health support (messages will not appear on your bill)
The Wrap
The Wrap (thewrapdhi.org.uk) (opens new window) - straight-talking information and advice for young people.
If you are a young person affected by drugs and/or alcohol, Connect Wiltshire (turning-point.co.uk) (opens new window) can help, or you can speak to your school nurse, a trusted teacher, or your doctor.
General support and information
Other organisations providing support:
- Nacoa (nacoa.org.uk) (opens new window), or phone 0800 358 3456 - for everyone affected by a parent's drinking
- Adfam (adfam.org.uk) (opens new window), or phone 0207 553 7640, or email admin@adfam.org.uk (opens new window) - helping you cope with your loved one's drug or alcohol use
- Talk to Frank (talktofrank.com) (opens new window) - confidential drug advice
- Childline (childline.org.uk) (opens new window), or phone 0800 1111 - support and advice, anytime
Information about drugs and alcohol:
- Alcohol units (nhs.uk) (opens new window) - what is a unit of alcohol, how to calculate your units, and guidance on how much is safe
- Alcohol support (nhs.uk) (opens new window) - how to recognise you have a problem, and what to do
- Addiction support (nhs.uk) (opens new window) - help and support for addiction, including drug and gambling addictions
- Live Well (nhs.uk) (opens new window) - general information about the health effects of drugs and alcohol
Wiltshire local drug information system (LDIS), for professionals
The local drug information system (LDIS) provides a mechanism to reduce risk and incidents of drug related deaths, injury, and harm caused by suspected contaminated drugs. It works by gathering intelligence on drug supply, and sharing intelligence with local partners.
See our Wiltshire and Swindon local drug intelligence and alert process pages for detail on how the process works; expectations on professionals, and how to report to the LDIS. The print version is available here: Wiltshire Swindon Drug Alert Process (Word doc, 138 KB)(opens new window).
For any queries relating to drugs and alcohol, contact the Wiltshire Substance Use team.
Contact Wiltshire Substance Use team
Public Health, Substance Use team
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN
0300 0034566
SubstanceUseTeam@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window)