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Best Start in Life Toolkit

This toolkit provides clear, simple key messages to promote positive health and wellbeing in its widest sense to support children in Wiltshire to have the Best Start in Life.

This tool kit is for parents and professionals.

The information is relevant from conception through to 5 years and recognises that health and wellbeing is influenced by a range of individual, community and environmental factors.

The Vulnerability and Protective Factors in Pregnancy and Early parenthood (PDF, 627 KB)(opens new window) is a practical  resource to help raise awareness for these range of factors during this critical life stage, and can be used alongside this Best Start in Life tool kit.  

Professionals using this are encouraged to share these messages and information on support services with parents/carers they meet. The MECC (Making Every Contact Count) approach is an effective way of supporting positive change and is endorsed by the Wiltshire Family and Children's Transformation (FACT) Programme. Ideally this approach will be used when sharing these messages.

If parents have specific concerns always encourage them to contact the appropriate professional.

For safeguarding concerns, visit child protection.

If you think a child or young person is at risk of significant harm, or is injured, contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 4560 108, 8:45am-5pm, Monday-Thursday and 8:45am-4pm Friday.

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